Let The Wind Light Up Your Dress!

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Light your way through the crowd is definitely a fashion! Here’s another example to convince you to light up not just the Christmas tree but also your wardrobe content!

Dutch designer Stijn Ossevoort created this beautiful dress with electronic wind sensitive dandelions. There’s no telling if the light goes on even at a light breeze or you’ll have to wait a tornado bursting in to get them all to function, however, the dandelions look pretty and the dress is charming! (isn’t it?) (via)

Flare dress

Flare dress light dandelion


#1 Ellington on 11.27.09 at 4:06 pm

How whimsically lovely!
I like it! :)

#2 Adriana on 11.28.09 at 7:36 am

We can dress ourselves up as a Christmas Tree this Christmas! :D

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