Carine Roitfeld Goes Pantless With Boots And Lace

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I’m trying to decipher which is which in Carine Roitfeld‘s outfit. First you have to know that she was dressed to her aces for a very special event: for her son, Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld’s gallery party.

Of course she should stand out as the crowd was stuffed with artsy people, but really, Carine, you’re shamelessly mixing Madonna and Lady Gaga which is practically double the trouble. Throw the theatrical cape on and sh-baam! Carine is the name, fashion is the game. What say you? Cast your vote right after the photo! (photo via)

Carine Roitfeld pantless lace look

Carine Roitfeld's Pantless Look

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#1 Tavia on 11.11.09 at 5:02 pm

This outfit is terrible. I dunno if it’s fashion but people don’t usually look in the mirror before they go out?

#2 Hélène on 11.12.09 at 6:55 am

Kinda shocking coming from her, she’s usually very classic in her choices. This is trend overkill and little inappropriate for her age. Still love her though. But this is not ok.

#3 Adriana on 11.12.09 at 8:04 am

Hélène, overkill of this trend is an understatement…..pfff….
Ut doesn’t shock me though. It looks all so cheapy….:P

#4 Ellington on 11.12.09 at 11:01 am

She looks like she was ripping on the DC super hero Black Canary.
I love the boots but she looks a tad unfortunate in this getup.

#5 kpriss on 11.13.09 at 7:56 am

(I sometimes wish there was no Gaga!) everybody’s sporting the pantless stage look! That’s ridiculous. Pantless is the new skinny jeans.

#6 Adriana on 11.14.09 at 8:13 am

I can’t blame GaGa or Carine….it’s the overexposure, people are sheeps!

“Don’t follow leaders
Watching parking meters”

~Bob Dylan

#7 cc on 01.02.10 at 10:59 pm

that’s sheep not sheeps

#8 cc on 01.03.10 at 12:04 am

sorry -it was rude of me to correct you. I apologise. I think it was the sight of Carine’s legs that startled me so much I forgot to comment on her

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