What To Wear With My Blue Bag?

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I’m on a fash-toy hunt! If you thought the toy necklaces were a mistake, here’s to prove you wrong: if you have absolutely no idea what to wear with that stunning electric blue bag you just bought and want to carry all day long, nuf’ to pair it with a plastic dino!

No, there’s no photo-prank there, it’s the real fashion thing, in Paris, daaahlings! What? Never seen a blue plastic dino before? (photo via)

Electric blue bag


#1 Queena on 04.25.10 at 1:53 am

I seldm buy blue bags mostly for the matching problem. You helped me a lot, TKS.

#2 Rayge on 08.08.10 at 6:39 am

Nothing like inflatable accessories, but I’m not so sure about carrying one of these unless you are a mommy and have little toy cars and Polly Pocket Dolls in your studded smurf purse as well.

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