Those were the days… Today was a sad day but I won’t let sadness take over me, I’ll just try to keep in mind who and what Michael Jackson meant to the world.
He was The Entertainer par excellence, the one who made us all dream about and try to do his Moonwalk at least once in our lives. Words just don’t express what Moonwalking really meant to us! I’ll just let you enjoy this week’s break: Michael Jackson’s In The Closet with the oh-so-beautiful Naomi Campbell! (oh, those MJ dance moves! He was really living that rhythm!) Thank you for the great week and your beautiful comments! I wish you the best weekend yet! (more information, the making of this great video presented by Cindy Crawford and two more videos right after the jump!)
I’ll make this article more about the music and the Entertainer. And much less about the words. I will, however, remind “In The Closet” in few lines: believe or not, it was originally intended as a duet with Madonna. But she came with some lyrics to MJ and he found them to be too explicit so he canceled the project.
The female voice over belongs to Stephanie de Monaco and not to Naomi as we could be tempted to believe. She only mimicked and danced beautifully alongside Michael Jackson. He wrote the song in 1991 with Teddy Riley to shut the press from making allegations about his personal life and his intimacy. Let’s honor the musician before anything else!
Sorry, I’ve replied on the “wrong” place.
I wish everyone a great weekend, love and good health.
There’s no wrong place for this… You’re at home here, do as you please!
That was one of his fun videos with the beautiful and ageless Naomi.
I especially liked the ending with the little boy (I sadly cannot remember his name) who was talking to Phil Donahue, he had AIDS and he sadly died of it. What he said at the end was poignant and very true.
Thanks for posting this Kpriss and have a lovely weekend. : )
I think that the young boy’s name was Ryan. He was a lovely and charming Spokesperson when AIDS was just being recognized as a disease that could touch and affect anyone and everyone.
Actually, I tried really hard to find a video that didn’t end with that little boy (was that part of the original MJ video? I didn’t remember it so – either my memory tricks me or I’ve only seen cut versions of the Closet video). He’s so young and yet his words come down like thunder for so many! (anyway, I didn’t wanted to have that part on because I wanted to keep the focus on Michael Jackson).
That’s the perfect word for Naomi! Ageless!
I’ve watched a real good homage about the great artist Michael was and ladies I couldn’t help but cry when little Michael did “Ben”. They showed the whole song…..
Kpriss, thanks so much “For the Making of the Closet”. And all that information. Moving, fun and so lovely.
This was 1992, I saw a sec of the announcement for Freddie Mercury’s tribute in this video…. odd….I loved Freddie, how could you not love Freddie and I still do and so will Michael be beloved forever.
Final words.
OMG I can’t believe it and I never knew this song did exist! I wrote about Freddie….here they are together. The quality of this demo is not great but the impact is huge and the song beautiful. Heaven must be a great place with all those Angels.
Sorry, me and “final words”. Goes out for a beer the weather is terribly humid hot and I bet I’m gonna say a few times: “this is really my last beer…..”
Thanks for posting “Stranger in Moscow”, Kpriss. I really like this song, the live version is good but I like the video much better as I really “feel” the images in it. :)
I found a video that I think everyone can see (they have that nasty habit of geotargeting viewers and not letting anyone/everyone from all over the world enjoy some of the videos). If you can’t see it, let me know!
Amazing how it moved the world! I hear it’s been compared to Elvis’ passing…
I can see the video here in the Netherlands. It’s hard to chose a song isn’t it? Michael has left a lot of wonderful songs. Unbelievable.
Yeah, we here are “down to earth” but on every newspaper last Friday Michael was the headliner on the front page. That whole front page with huge photos too. The serious news programmes were also about him. And people talked about Michael the whole weekend. It’s hot so everywhere I heard Michael through the open windows. Programmes changed their schedules etc. Though in my café people were divided about all that attention. Typical Dutch by the way.
There are so many similarities to Elvis’ dead. I’ve read Lisa Marie Presley’s very moving statement. Haven’t you Kpriss?
Sorry, I know this is maybe not appropriate or the right moment and place: here in my country we speak of drugs or medication. Medication is prescripted for diseases. Also for the mental diseases. Drugs are illegal. In the US it’s all called drugs whether it’s dope or medication it are all drugs. Yes, we have coffee-shops. And cannabis, though it’s changing, is here hardly called a drug here. Hard drugs though are a different thing. It’s very hard here to get all those drugs, or here named medication, as tranquillizers, painkillers, antidepressants etc. prescripted that easy. Really, my jaw dropped when I read the list of ‘drugs’ Michael used! He must have been addicted to this ‘drugs’ for years. So sad, so sad…..
Doctors are supposed to cure a person. Ruthless doctors did go on -just like with Elvis or Heath- with providing this vulnerable people with this so called “medication” for their own bank account. And there’s a long list of these cases of course. Like the unknown people we never read about.
There was a American in our company at my café yesterday(just for the record) and he agreed. He also had his stories.
You people in the US has to take care with what doctors “prescribe”.
In the year that Barrack Obama brought the ‘black cool’ to the US a man died who once brought the ‘black cool’ to white MTV while he was reformed to almost a white man……No, I’m not cynical or mean, just sad about this all…..
Never believe me when I write “final words” that’s the silence for the storm I believe…..
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