Nicole Kidman Ditches Woody Allen For Schweppes Ad

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I questioned Nicole Kidman’s theatrical abilities several times but there’s undoubtedly something with Woody Allen’s movies that would make me forgive and forget Nicole’s artificial ways and enjoy her performance.

I was getting ready to like Nicole Kidman as filmed/directed by Woody Allen (just like I did ScarJo in Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona) when the most amazing thing just happened: Nicole Kidman walked away from Woody Allen’s project. How exactly do you do that? (the story continues right after the video)

Nicole may not be doing Woody’s film, but she’s doing a Schweppes commercial produced by Ridley Scott. The short promotional film also stars Rubina Ali (little Latika from Slumdog Millionaire) and Arjun Rampal (young Bollywood star). Choosing Schweppes over Woody Allen? “hey, what did you expect?” (via 1, 2)

Nicole Kidman Schweppes ad


#1 Ellington on 05.13.09 at 4:44 pm

Well I guess the commercial took less time away from her.

#2 Adriana on 05.14.09 at 6:09 am

It’s possible she pulled out to spend as much time as she can with her baby?
I don’t care much for this commercial. Two stars from me for the little girl! :)

#3 Adriana on 05.14.09 at 6:58 am

Speaking about films: I think the Cannes Film Festival will be an interesting one this year. Keep an eye on it. Less glamour more about film and don’t we just love film? I do…

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