Beyonce’s House Of Dereon Spring 2009

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Since it’s all about fashion show these days (with the couture collections), I thought I’d surprise you with Beyonce’s House of Dereon (and Dereon) ad campaign.

Because last I heard, your emotions took over your every other Beyonce-sense, it’s a good moment to see if her “creations” shall overcome your fashion righteous feeling. The new Spring 2009 ad campaign for Dereon and House of Dereon was shot in Bermuda.

Even if Bee thought she was the one controlling the wind and the clouds, remember that she’s only a singer (talented and smartly marketed) and she might not control the art of clothing-making. Does she? (you can watch the clip right after the jump) (via photo via

House of Dereon Spring 2009 collection Beyonce


#1 aulelia on 01.29.09 at 4:53 am

I’m a huge Bee fan but I don’t really care for celebrity fashion lines.

It is smart marketing but at the end of the day, I like the clothes I like, not necessarily b/c a celeb is the face of them.

#2 Ellington on 01.29.09 at 8:01 am

The shoot and the clothes just make me think that this is just an annexed music video of hers.
She is a very talented musician but I don’t want to dress like her in her mother’s clothing designs. The only celebrity line I actually like is L.A.M.B. .

#3 Onyinye Nwabueze on 02.20.09 at 4:17 am

I think the House of Dereon crew are doing a great job. The cuts are quite sexy and appealling; keep it up!

#4 tackyjacky on 02.25.09 at 7:18 pm

Tacky is as tacky does!
That line is tacky beyond embarrassing.

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