The Crocs Go Boots!

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Oh no, they’re not going anywhere! The Crocs are here to stay! And because winter approaches, there goes the Crocs-boot!

I don’t think there would ever be a Crocs design I’ll like. And it’s not because they’re ugly beyond compare, let’s be serious, we know what ugly stands for when it comes to shoes! It’s because people stubbornly choose to wear Crocs everywhere. Anytime. I sincerely admit to having bought a pair of green Crocs for one of my kids. And he made a splash out of those Crocs all summer long! But Crocs Boots? Could you wear some? (photos via ontdff)

Crocs boots pink

Crocs boots various colors


#1 Dolly Bird on 11.08.08 at 5:21 pm

LOL These boots look like stuff Hobbits, or whatever those small people are called in The Lord of the Rings, would wear.
No offence to Ring fans of course.
I enjoyed the special effects!

#2 lacouturier on 11.09.08 at 9:35 am

oh gawd. i didnt think they could get any worse…

La C

#3 Adriana on 11.09.08 at 10:02 am

Oh well, maybe when I have “a hobbit moment” and there’s a huge layer off snow? Who cares? Sometimes comfortable is to prefer above ugliness. Give me the brown ones….if I need them since it doesn’t seem really like winter anymore…..

#4 Ellington on 11.09.08 at 12:46 pm

Sweet Enola Gay!
Those things are reprehensible!
For children I think crocs are nifty, even for professionals like surgeons, chefs and gardeners, but these are just wrong. My eyes and heart hurt from looking at them… I am going to now go to my “safe place” to recuperate.

#5 Anna @ Shoe Smitten on 11.10.08 at 9:40 am

Nooooooo! They are horribly ugly. The ONLY time Crocs are okay – on toddlers’ feet.

#6 kpriss on 11.13.08 at 3:38 am

Dolly Bird, lol! I like the Ring tierce myself!

Adriana, you’re going for a pair, then?

Ellington and Anna, that’s exactly what I thought too! That kids definately make the best of the Crocs attire. Snow or sand, it’s a pleasure for them. Easy to wear, easy to care.

#7 Adriana on 11.13.08 at 6:39 am

No, I meant that I can imagine that these Crocs are comfortable and warm at walk on the beach this time off the year and in the snow…..who cares when you do such things if its a fashion faux pas? I’ve tried once the Croc shoes, they looked horrible but it felt like walked on clouds….

#8 Judith on 01.04.09 at 11:31 am

I’ll make a deal with all you people who think Crocs are ugly…I won’t say anything about your rings in your nose, bellybuttons and places I can’t even see and tattoos that are big and gross if you leave me and my Crocs alone. I have 10 pairs and just bought Croc boots. They are the most comfortable footwear I have ever worn cause my feet don’t come to a point at the toes!!

#9 Ellington on 01.04.09 at 12:07 pm

Dear Judith:
Firstly I myself do not have nose rings, tattoos, belly button rings or any of the things that you mentioned.
Secondly Crocs may be comfy but they only look good and cute on kids.
They are hideous for the most part, accept it, and wear them at your peril. ; )

#10 Adriana on 01.04.09 at 1:04 pm

Judith, the only rings I wear sometimes are in my ears! I have no tatoos, belly button rings i.e. either.
As I wrote, I found the Crocs comfy but do not like them. And I leave people alone and respect them if they wear them and love them. I don’t call them gross or attack them to assume they must have tatoos i.e.
Each their own?

#11 nancy on 12.11.09 at 5:50 pm

i have the pink croc boots. they’re comfy and i don’t care what people think =]

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