Because we like her, because you like her, I searched (and, more importantly, I found!) another magazine featuring Cindy Crawford on the cover!
The Fall 2008 edition of Michigan Avenue covers the local supermodel, Cindy Crawford. Beautiful as always, even if she’s 42 years old! I don’t like the cover, so this is why I haven’t started with that picture and chose a Moulin Rouge-like shoot instead. But that was me – you can choose your own favorite picture! Which one would it be? (click thumbnails to see larger images!)
I go for the Lanvin-photo too. Second best is the one in the YSL-dress.
This is the Cindy I love to see.
Cindy was never really a good runway model but in pictorials she just Exploded! Still does. I’ve always liked her and appreciated how she gave beaut spots good press coz I have one.
I love all of the shots! She looks great!
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