Angelina Jolie’s Ralph Lauren LBD At Kung Fu Panda DVD launch

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The year couldn’t have been round if today we wouldn’t have had the Angelina-article! So I dug and found that she recently done a splendid Red Carpet appearance for the DVD launch of Kung Fu Panda, the animation movie.

She looked lovely and her physical shape is amazing, given that she’s a mother of six (from which she actually gave birth to three, just four months ago she had her twins!). Her trademark black was the safest choice so she went for a Ralph Lauren Black Label Kaila Matte Jersey Dress ( $898 ) with nude patent leather pumps. If I look back, I think her style has improved, even if she had some huge fashion-misinterpretations this past year! What do you say? (photos via celebutopia,

Angelina Jolie black dress at Kung Fu Panda DVD launch


#1 Adriana on 11.10.08 at 12:01 pm

Sorry, no offence but she’d better cover up her knees and eat a bit more……

#2 Dolly Bird on 11.10.08 at 1:29 pm

I loved the film! Can’t wait to get my DVD of it.
Angie looks rather Plain Jane here. Too bad the gold belt’s missing.

#3 Ellington on 11.10.08 at 10:41 pm

I think that she looks nice. Not fussy or over done. Yes her knees are a bit alarming. I like the dress and her shoes.

#4 kpriss on 11.13.08 at 3:43 am

I think she didn’t put the belt because of the post-pregnancy waist. Other than that, I agree with you, her bony structure is a bit scary. Makes her look more skinny, no matter what.

Oh, and I loved the Panda movie too! “Want to eat? Fight!”

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