Shine Like Diamonds Nails With Azature Black Diamond Polish

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Not long ago, Kelly Osbourne was attending a special Red Carpet awards event while wearing (and tweeting about it, biensur) the most expensive nail polish in the world! We talked about it at the time: Azature Black Diamonds nail polish created quite the storm in the written and spoken media. Which had led to Kelly issuing a public apology for wearing the said polish.

The affordable version of the much – buzzed about polish is now available through Selfridges at $24. Compared to the original black diamonds lacquer which ‘only’ costs $132,800, I’d say that’s a real bargain. Real fake, but bargain nevertheless…

black diamond nail polish Azature

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 11.28.12 at 10:41 am

Nice polish, I like it! : )

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