Mischa Barton Without Makeup!

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With or without considering her bouncy weight, Mischa Barton’s issues go far and deep.

Being admitted to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center because she suffered a nervous breakdown (oh, man, that wisdom tooth was really serious!), Mischa Barton was hoping to jump on the fashionable-rehab bandwagon and instantly bust her celeb factor. But what do you know? Nobody really cared about her nervous breakdown! So let’s focus on a picture of Mischa Barton wearing no makeup at all! (no wonder she’s visiting the psych ward! She must be suffering from split personality or something: Makeup Mischa and Au Naturel Mischa. Worlds apart!) Get back to The Beautiful Life soon, Mischa! (photos via 1, 2)

Mischa Barton without makeup


#1 Ellington on 07.28.09 at 8:39 am

I am not a fan of Mischa Barton, but I do wish her well and hope that she is on the road to feeling stronger and sound. Mental illness is not funny. So whatever she is going through I think that it is best to kind and not be harsh.

#2 Daydreamer on 07.28.09 at 9:48 am

Wow, she looks different. I really hope she get well soon, and come back as a strong woman. During this time, she may also think over about herself. Hope she is doing well right now.

#3 deka on 07.28.09 at 5:48 pm

she looks like a different person
younger too

#4 Adriana on 07.29.09 at 6:04 am

I feel sorry for Mischa. I feel sorry for a human being that struggles like she obviously does or did. I hope she get well and finds a fulfilled life.

(Nothing wrong with her without make-up either. Why can’t we show ourselves as we are? Why is this an item anyway?)

#5 kpriss on 07.29.09 at 8:42 pm

My point exactly, why can’t she show herself like she really is?

This is an item because it’s a media circus. Because she doesn’t do anything significant besides starring in daily gossip roundups. Because even if they pretend they don’t care, people love a good weight story! Especially if it’s spiced up with some psych ward visits… Because so many feed on other people’s drama, it makes them less alone and more part (in their twisted heads) of others lives…

That aside, it seems she’s been released from the hospital. But castings for her role in the Beautiful Life pursue as planned. She’s Hollywood casualty.

#6 Adriana on 07.14.10 at 8:22 am

Kpriss, that’s a good point. I don’t like it either. It’s an “open door” to state that’s what a lot of troubled people keeps going: feed themselves like hungry wolves with stories like this. How can this make people feeling less miserable about themselves then? It’s a culture I despise. And even if we try not to read it’s in our face on a daily basis…..:((

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