Behold, The Chanel Mattress Bag!

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I really tried to convince myself this wasn’t true. I thought that if I’d close my eyes, snap my fingers three times, take three steps back (and so on), it’ll all prove to be a cauchemardesque tale.

It seems to me more the Kaiser closes up on his Twilight (I actually wish him to last throughout the years, fashion will never be the same without him!) his style shades up, washes down and twists on itself with an alarming creepiness factor!

The Chanel Mattress bag

That’s why I got goose bumps when I saw that ethereal paper-bridal, razor inhibitor Haute Couture collection he made for Spring 2009. Now I’m looking at this new Chanel Mattress bag and can’t think of anything else but a sinister movie I saw last year (The Orphanage).

Save the best (irony) for last: the elephant is not included! How very sadistic! How very Lagerfeld! (via)


#1 Ellington on 03.11.09 at 9:02 pm

Well that is indeed different but what I want is the stuffed elephant!
I adore elephants! : )

(Don’t just wish that Kaiser was your mad uncle Karl? He always make me think of Herr Drosslemeyer from the Nutcraker!)

#2 Adriana on 03.12.09 at 6:42 am

The bag is just plain ugly! Or is it a recession bag? Karl Lagerfeld? Oh please let him be around for a long time to come. We can make fun about him but the fashion world would be less colourful (tho he doesn’t use that much colours) without him!

Kpriss, do you recommend this movie? I’ve seen so many of this kind off movies that I couldn’t bare them anymore…..but time has moved on so maybe…..??

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