Entries Tagged 'Celebrities' ↓

Mary Kate Olsen’s Radiohead Disaster
When you hear that less is more, it doesn’t mean lesser clothes you put on you, more style you’ll struck. Mary Kate Olsen’s Radiohead concert’s... Read More

8 Comments | Celebrities, Fashion Disaster

Tara Reid’s Mantra Collection
So who else is on the celeb turned designer radar today? None the other than Tara Reid. Former actress now professional partygirl, 24/7 drunk, and... Read More

3 Comments | Celebrities, Designers, Unstyle

People’s Brangelina Twins Fourth Best Seller Ever
The Twins edition sold in 2,6 million copies. That makes this special edition, the fourth best seller in People’s magazine history. First one is the... Read More

12 Comments | Celebrities, Magazines, Unstyle

Nylon TV Issue September 2008 – 90210 Is Back!
I guess everyone (and their dog) knows what 90210 was for the world’s teenage population. It was the teen drama par excellence. In the spirit... Read More

7 Comments | Celebrities, Magazines, Unstyle

Every time I hear about the French chic, I can’t help but think it’s long gone and there’s nothing except the legend to carry on... Read More

6 Comments | Celebrities, Friday Break, Unstyle

The Gerard Darel Dress: Angelina Jolie Vs Jennifer Garner
Yesterday, a sad news has found its way to the blogosphere – Paul Starr, celebrity makeup artist was found dead. RIP. What is this has... Read More

8 Comments | Celebrities, Motherhood

Lee Cooper 100th Anniversary Giles Deacon Denim Dress
After finding out about the new denim it – Current/Elliott, how about something old, something blue, something redesigned to be something new? Lee Cooper’s 100th... Read More

2 Comments | Celebrities, Designers

Eva Longoria Maternity Outfit
You know me, I’m stubbornly pursuing a subject until it’s proven true or false. And the maternity rumors surrounding Eva Longoria had me already stirred... Read More

5 Comments | Celebrities, Motherhood, Rumors Round The Blog, Unstyle