Barnaby Barford, The Good, The Bad, The Belle

Barnaby Barford’s aesthetics could look traditional but will change the way you think about ceramic figurines forever. I always had the feeling that ceramic figurines had something innocent and pure in their static form. Always perfectly shaped, irreproachably curved, the china display is so démodé but so untouchable.

British artist Barnaby Barford added a modern twist to those classic ceramic pieces, some became the Good, some the Bad, some stayed the Belle.(the story continues right after the jump with more pictures)

Barnaby Barford porcelain figurines kfc

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JF Kennedy Omega Speedmaster Ad Campaign

Seeing John F. Kennedy advertising for Omega I said to myself this has to be one of the most tasteless, risqué ads ever. But I’ll have to ask you what your feelings are in order to draw a relevant conclusion.

Omega cooperated with the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation to use JFK in the promotional materials for Omega Speedmaster because it seems they have a history together: JFK wore an Omega timepiece to the inauguration and two of the Mercury program astronauts equally wore Omega Speedmasters.

But also, this new Speedmaster edition marks the 40th anniversary of landing on the moon (while wearing an Omega watch). How influential this new campaign can be? Both numbers and ethics? (via 1, 2)

JFKennedy Omega Speedmaster ad campaign

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Bvlgari Stamps Made In Italy

If Lagerfeld’s Chanel golden/silver anniversary edition coin looked inappropriately loud, you’ll love the discrete way Bvlgari fetes its 125th anniversary!

Bvlgari teamed with the Poste Italiane and brought us the Made in Italy Bvlgari stamp. Worth $0,77 (0,60 euros), this special edition Bvlgari stamp shows the image of a dazzling necklace from 1965 made from yellow gold and platinum and heavily adorned with amethysts, emeralds and turquoises. (the story continues right after the jump)

Bvlgari Anniversary stamps necklace

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David Beckham Collection For Adidas Originals

David Beckham Adidas Originals collectionBecks has caught the design bug from Posh – he teamed up with James Bond (Undefeated) for a collection for Adidas Originals by Originals Fall Winter 2009/2010. Whether David Beckham opened wide his wardrobe for Adidas professional designers to find inspiration or he just autographed the so-called design-contract, is yet unknown. I’m waiting for little dancer Cruz to design a collection too! (WWD)

World’s Most Expensive CD Case

Platinum Diamonds CD caseUniversal Music and Nagahori, the Japanese jeweler presented “Woman, Sweet 10 Diamonds”, a CD with “18 songs by female vocalists”. Nothing unusual so far. However, the CD’s case is in platinum studded with 10 diamonds, worth $100,000. Now that’s something to consider for Mother’s day! (Luxist)

The Making Of Natalie Portman

Making Of Natalie PortmanNatalie Portman is the co-founder of Making Of, the first behind-the-scenes portal that offers everyone the chance to experience and interact with the a-to-z of the filmmaking industry and more. I hope this new adventure will turn out to be more interesting and long lasting than Natalie Portman’s last (vegan-)mission! (Te Casan filed for bankruptcy some time ago…) (MakingOf via J2)

Mary Kate Olsen In Barbara Hulanicki Topshop Moth Dress

Barbara Hulanicki’s Topshop Collection may launch April 28th for the rest of us, but very important fashionistas seem to have been treated with a preview-prewear!

Mary-Kate Olsen was photographed wearing the evil-moth dress as created exclusively by Biba’s Barbara Hulanicki for Topshop. I loved that dress from the moment I saw the sketches and Barbara herself admitted it was one of her favorite designs from the Summer 2009 collection she designed for Topshop. How about Mary-Kate Olsen wearing it? Love it or hate it, vote right after the photo! (larger images right after the jump!) (photos via 1, 2)

Mary Kate Olsen Barbara Hulanicki Topshop dress

Mary-Kate Olsen's Barbara Hulanicki Topshop Summer 09 dress

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Lady GaGa Une Fille Un Style, Vogue Paris May 2009

Isn’t it wonderful to learn Lady GaGa’s style secrets? For all those Lady GaGa wannabes out there, Vogue Paris has thought of you and expressed its appreciation in May’s issue’s Une Fille, Un Style column.

Besides her alien-esque image that I’ll leave for last this time, I’d like us to focus more on what she (really) has to say to Vogue’s editor! (the story continues right after the jump, don’t miss the gallery with larger pictures of Lady GaGa in Vogue Paris May 2009)

Lady GaGa Vogue Paris May 2009 1

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