Peter Gabriel Blood Of Eden

Still saddened by the tragic loss we’re left facing with Alexander McQueen passing, I thought about a peaceful, though meaningful song from Peter Gabriel: Blood of Eden.

I trust you had a wonderful week and you’re ready for an amazing weekend! Thank you for this yet another great week and your insightful comments! Enjoy Peter Gabriel’s Blood of Eden! (more info right after the jump as well as another one of Peter Gabriel’s wonderful songs: Don’t Give Up!)

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Harper’s Bazaar March 2010 Kate Moss Vs Cindy Crawford

Few years already we’re abusing the “supers are back” slogan to a point of complete waste of meaning, of significance.

It would be both an understatement and an exaggeration to say that Harper’s Bazaar March 2010, the US edition with Kate Moss on the cover or Harper’s Bazaar March 2010, the UK edition with Cindy Crawford on the cover were disappointing and small. (the story continues with more images right after the jump, click here for the gallery!)

Cindy Crawford Harpers Bazaar March 2010 covers

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Marithé François Girbaud Spring Summer 2010 Ad Campaign

Today I have the chance to share one of my favorite brands with you: Marithé François Girbaud. I fell in love with their brand long time ago and not only because of their jeans (which used to be highly popular in the 90s) but mainly because of their ad campaigns.

Marithé François Girbaud was founded in 1964 by the husband and wife team who gave their very names to the newborn fashlabel. Though they were largely known all over the globe, their particular advertisement view which brought them fame was what cut them short too! (the story continues right after the jump with more images! Click here for the gallery!)

Marithe Francois Girbaud Spring Summer 2010 ad campaign

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RIP Alexander McQueen!

Today the fashion world is in mourning! L’enfant terrible de la mode, Alexander McQueen is no longer among us. The few details were published so far tell us that he took his own life. Condolences to his family, we will miss you terribly, Mr McQueen! (you can admire some of his wonderful overtalented work here)

RIP Alexander McQueen

Sarah Silverman’s Page Six Vs Portia De Rossi’s Advocate March 2010 Covers

While doing my daily rounds, I came across two magazine covers for March 2010. Page Six Magazine and The Advocate.

Both featuring two (different) celebrities for each of the covers, but orchestrating the same pose: the Bite. Now is there’s something crunchy about March or what? Sarah Silverman’s necklace bite vs Portia de Rossi’s pearl string bite. What’s the deal? Should we expect a bite trend on magazine covers? (photos Page Six, Advocate via J2)

Portia de Rossi The Advocate Sarah Silverman Page Six covers

Where’s Katie Holmes?

If you were wondering what Katie Holmes was up to lately (and even if you weren’t, still) let me fill you in: Katie is serious about her fashion line (Holmes and Yang, in case you forgotten or you were praying to not see it turn into reality) and she’s officially on a fabric hunt.

Together with her stylist (yes, that’s what Yang stands for: Jeanne Yang) she went to a meeting where the two were supposedly picking fabric for the future fashion line. Can’t wait to see the actual designs! If there’s anything remotely similar to what Katie’s wearing, it’ll be a certified flop, don’t you think? (photos via)

Katie Holmes Jeanne Yang teaming up

Happy Hump Day With Gabourey Sidibe’s Soul Mama!

By the amazing powers of the viral video, today I bring you Alice Tan Ridley, Gabourey Sidibe’s Mama.

Besides being the mother of Precious Gabourey, Alice Tan Ridley used to be a nursery school teacher but she also brings happiness to the NYC subway’s Times Square station by rollin in her amazing voice three times a week. She’s been doing this for 18 years already and her divine voice even ruined her amp, that’s how powerful it is! Now I understand where Gabs got her inner beauty from! Happy Hump Day! (hit the jump for one more video with Alice Tan Ridley and read a short interview here)

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Most Fashionable Gloves. Dish In Style

Why would anyone spare even a second of style while doing the chores? Take for instance doing the dishes! You think that’s not a time to be most stylish and fashionable?

And get this: it’s not just the faux jewelry and the colors, the fancy bows and buttons! For the pink rubber gloves, 10% from the sales go to Breast Cancer charities! And if highly styled rubber gloves are not your thing, you may consider an old fashionable foot in the door (you can see it right after the jump)? (Spoon Sisters via nQB)

Fashionable Rubber Gloves

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