Mono.Kultur 23, The Perfumed Issue

The other day, I was asking myself what is the concentration of magazine – mainstream-ness in my artistic self. And I was puzzled by the question, since it involves an important number of criteria to take into consideration.

Today it’s time for yet another episode of my mainstream or not quest. Going through the fashinterwebs, I discovered there was a very special magazine issue being launched: Mono.kultur #23. It’s a German magazine and they usually dedicate an entire issue to one single artist. And this time they went for Sissel Tolaas. Sissel Tolaas is a Norwegian scent scientist. Hence, Mono.kultur dedicated their entire issue to scents. Without printing a single word or image, the magazine has used the microencapsulating technique and basically printed the perfume in the magazine’s pages. The “reader” can release the scent by simply, classically rubbing the page. Pretty interesting, huh? Especially since we’re not talking scents as in perfumes. More as in “odors”. Wouldn’t that be some magazine issue to have? (via, you can read more about Mono.Kultur on their website, here)

Mono Kultur perfumed issue 23 Sissel Tolaas

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Dare To Wear The Latex Bow Tie?

You know me by now and you know I have this unhealthy, unstoppable passion for headbands. And especially for do-it-yourself headbands. Going through specialized boutiques, I learned something very important about my headbands loving self: I only like wearing headbands which were imagined and handcrafted by me own hands. Isn’t that weird? Have you ever experienced that? It’s new to me and I’d like to join a club if possible (smiling).

Now you must be wondering already what’s with all the headband talk in an article entitled “latex bow tie”. Well, I’m getting there too: I love taking the traditional bow tie and turn it into a highly practical, costless (that is if it comes from your own stash) headband. And this latex bow tie could do just that! (the story continues right after the jump!)

Latex Bow tie black

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Shu Uemura Neo Reflector Eyelashes Must Wear For Night Out

If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind eyelashes experience, Shu Uemura’s false eyelashes bar is definitely the address to check up! More so with the arrival of the new false eyelashes collection, and specifically the Neo Reflector False Eyelashes!

It’s like having two discoballs on your face. Attached to your eyes! I imagine they’re not too heavy, as they’re designed to be worn as eyelashes, and still, something about Shu Uemura’s Neo Reflector false eyelashes just looks weird. Though I’m sure Gaga would approve such crazy, crazy eye-attire! (click through to discover more from Shu Uemura’s stunning Neo Reflector false eyelashes edition)

Shu Uemura Neo Reflector False Eyelashes

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Nicholas Kirkwood Liberty UK Shoes Vs. Manolo Blahnik Liberty UK Shoes

There’s little comparison to be made, entre les deux designers who chose to collaborate with the iconic Liberty of London label. Nicholas Kirkwood’s shoes stand for edgy, daring and must have while Manolo Blahnik opted for a more demure collection, with a timeless feel and a mature look.

While the prices for the Manolos are yet unknown (at least to me), Kirkwood’s flower bombs go around $875 a pair. Which is hardly H&M…A girl can dream, now, can’t she? So what’s your favorite pair? (via 1, 2)

Nicholas Kirkwood for Liberty of London Shoes Collection

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Men Fashion In Munich, Germany

You know we’ve seen this before. Kind of. With Thom Browne and his men skirts suits. We’ve seen it in Marc Jacobs, a couple of times. Now let’s take a good look at Marcel here.

Marcel is a fashion designer and he’s wearing a caftan made by Anja Pawlik paired with Zara shoes, Falke tights and Balenciaga glasses. I’m unaware if the shoes are for men or not, however, my main focus here is the dress. I may be used to seeing dresses on women bodies, I may even feel a bit distracted by his short sleeves, but Marcel doesn’t look good to me. Not dressed like this! How about you? Cast your vote right after the image! (photo via)

man in dress

Marcel’s outfit?

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Living On The Fast Lane. VW Style

Remember the unlimited viral powers of many internet things? Remember that cute, joyful installation made by Vokswagen a while back? The piano? Well, now get ready for the fast lane, made by the VW people for our entertainment!

What can I say? Live life on the fast lane? Not necessarily. Enjoy every second of your life no matter what your speed is? Amen to that!

Marion Cotillard Vogue US July 2010

Marion Cotillard is on the cover of Vogue (US) July 2010. And she looks great while doing it. Despite her computer enhanced blue eyes.

I have no idea if she’s here because she’s got a new movie coming up, I simply like her beyond that vile marketing maneuver. Her Testino photographed pictorial is getting to me regardless of the new trends and fashion. Lady Marion has a time of her own: the time of Divas. How do you like her Vogue? (you can read her interview here, more images right after the jump, click here for the gallery and don’t miss the video, after the images!)

Marion Cotillard Vogue US July 2010 cover

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Christian Dior Golden Contact Lenses

It’s all about labels today. So let’s label everything. Bags? Check. Shoes? Check. Clothes? Check. Furniture? Check. contact lenses? Wait, what?

Yep, contact lenses with fashmonograms on! And it’s not LV as you may expect, oh no! It’s CD from Christian Dior! Wait, there’s more! Not only they’re marked with a sign of a terribly expensive fashion house, but they’re also colored – the CD contact lenses are (as they appear from the photo) half painted in gold! Now ain’t that something? Anyone home there chez LV? (via)

Christian Dior Contact lenses