Talking about movies. And 3D. And new social standards… and more. But generally about movies: the new Iron Man 3 will be released tomorrow, Friday, in theaters US-wide. I still don’t understand the approach for this one: being released internationally before being released in the US, but I’m no marketing specialist (if I were, StyleFrizz’ FB account would’ve read 300k fans, not 3k like it does now – wink – subtle enough?).
Gwyneth Paltrow, as we discussed before, reprised her role as Pepper Pots and, biensur, Robert Downey Jr. brilliantly performed again as The Man of Steel. I would love to discuss more about this new Marvel adventure, but I’ll leave the profoundness for another time as I already dug too deep in the Gatsby thing so I’ll keep it on the cover. The Entertainment Weekly Iron Giants cover.
Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey Jr. as Pepper Pots and Tony Stark/Iron Man. But oh, what a cover failure! Half cartoon-half real, the two super-heroes make for a really un-entertaining cover completely deflating over photoshop-surcharged and spoiler-menace (don’t tell me that theatrical trailers don’t insult your intelligence by clipping in the most interesting scenes from the movie they’re supposed to tease not present in short! Similarly, don’t tell me that movie posters such as these ones don’t reveal too much of the movie’s plot?). They should’ve consulted with Anna Wintour for this cover story. She knows how to fail in style by bringing Iron Man, Gwyneth & Photoshop together!
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