How was your Valentine’s Day? You may have noticed I chose not to fill the space with hearts and tarts yesterday. Instead I wanted to let you know about a little something that’s buzzing up my mind about Valentine’s Day.
First of all – I loooove Valentine’s Day. I actually love to love Valentine’s Day more than I really do love it. Because you see, for me, Valentine’s Day is just another day you celebrate your love and loved ones. Your significant other shouldn’t be significant just one day per year. It should go on and on and round and round like a happy merry – go – round.
If you forget to ditch the contemporary gray and sink into your inner, happy pink, then something must be changed. I’ll do my best to keep you inspired and connected with your inner beauty so you’ll spread the love and happiness around you. Be true to your heart and listen to it all day, every day. It can be Valentine’s Day every day! Changing the world one heart at the time can happen, it’s not just a post Valentine’s Day buzz. Is it? (photo)
People do celebrate ValentineĀ“s Day in my countryal though it’s not really our tradition. My day was as every other Monday but I share your philosophy Kpriss with all my heart! :) :*
:* thank you, you’re such a darling, as always!
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