Baptiste Giabiconi’s Showtime Single Cover

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Come, come, gather round! I just found this piece of really amazing-aaah news! Baptiste Giabiconi’s Showtime wasn’t just a joke! Oh, no! He’s really going on the market with that single and it’s going to look like this!

An artsy cover, undoubtedly shot by his um… (how should we call him, anyway?) favorite Uncle Karl. Yes, that stands for Karl Lagerfeld (who, in other fashrelated news is supposed to step down from his Chanel throne this year. Surely in order to dedicate himself entirely to Baptiste). The song has been mixed by 50 Cent and it’s awaiting for your heavy rotation approval! Not that he would need such a mundane gesture as a vote of confidence, Baptiste has Karl’s any day. Or night. Right? (click the image for larger view) (via)

Baptiste Giabiconi Showtime single cover

1 comment so far

#1 sonya on 10.12.10 at 11:25 am

karl has the magic!
its a great cover shot!

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