Rose Cordero Does Vogue Paris March 2010

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I was hoping for something new, something as fresh as the spring we’re waiting for a snow-eternity already! And Carine did that! Rose Cordero on Vogue Paris March 2010 is as pleasant as could have ever hoped freshness would be!

Talking about combat and the new khaki urban fashion, Carine showed us what fashion magazines are really made of. And I hope more follow her footsteps! Yes, it’s a bit dark for a spring cover/editorial, but oh! is this young gorgeous Dominican larger than life! (sure, looking back now, the McQueen belt around the neck is a bit sinister, but they couldn’t have known that at the time of the shooting so let’s close our eyes and move on, RIP Lee! Plus, Rose Cordero is such an amazing sight to see!) (click through to see more images from this wonderful Vogue Paris March 2010! Click here for the gallery!) (photos via)

UPDATE: Rose Cordero is now pregnant; you can see pictures of her baby bump here.

Rose Cordero Vogue Paris March 2010 cover

Rose Cordero Vogue Paris March

Rose Cordero Vogue Paris March 10

Rose Cordero Vogue Paris March 2010 photo

Rose Cordero Vogue Paris March 2010

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#1 Adriana on 03.04.10 at 8:18 am

She’s Dominican? Looking at her I see so many blood in her. Almost like a multi-human-creature. Very, very beautiful.
A real fashion cover as it should look like.

As for Lee, I respect his choice. But that doesn’t mean we have to stop admire what he meant for the arts.

#2 Ellington on 03.04.10 at 10:07 am

She looks fabu! Reminds me of Grace Jones a tad.
Dominicans like all West Indians come in many various and wonderful shades Adriana, all Black people do. : )

#3 Adriana on 03.04.10 at 11:11 am

Ellington, I know. Lots of people from the West Indians lives in my country. I know one I’ve had lots fun with because, as he said himself, he has no clue how many and which blood runs through his veins and we’ve been busy making lists with possibilities there are. And he’s not modest at all since he declared: “And that’s why I’m such a looker!” LOL! :D

#4 Ellington on 03.04.10 at 11:37 am

He sounds great fun! The same applies for me and my family’s blood lines. We have Portuguese, Spanish,French, Scotish and of course African in my family! :)

#5 anom on 03.04.10 at 11:41 am

Now THAT’S a vogue cover!
Exactually what I like in a fashion magazine – exquisite, womanly beauty & minimal type.
I would instantly pick this up at the news stand as opposed to some actress hawking her wares from the cover of a magazine.
Ps. Secretly I would love to be able to wear this shade of lipstick but would look like a dismal excuse for an emo!
This cover is a 10.

#6 anom on 03.04.10 at 8:13 pm

….exactly – sorry for the bad english!

#7 Margareta Belle Jeanne on 03.05.10 at 5:33 am

The cover person is always hawking somethin’! In this case, it’s some designer’s clothes – go figure!
I like the military greens and khakis. LV sucks!

#8 café au lait on 03.08.10 at 6:03 am

no words, just beautiful!!

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