Bryanboy: From Blogger To Model

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You remember Bryanboy, the inspiration behind Marc Jacob’s latest ad campaign? Well, he’s moving up in industry.

After having a bag made especially (or that’s what we’re lead to believe) for him, he’s taking things to another level with a quick modeling gig. Jaeha’s Alex Kim is so enthusiastic about Bryanboy’s androgynous appearance and his internet ways that he’s (almost) ready to declare him a spokeface for the brand. Considering this another one of those brave and inspiring examples of how can blogging turn you into a celebrity (besides the notorious case of Mr Sartorialist), who do you prefer? Bryanboy or Scott Schuman? (more after the jump)

Bryanboy model Jaeha clothes

I was secretly hoping for a more intellectual, creative and useful evolution of popular blogging. Taking things a bit further than “cute pic” , “great outfit” and making blogging an alternative media. Raising professionals out of the popular bloggers ranks, turn the stiff press into something opened, take advantage of the blogging liberty and push things forward. Instead, I’m bound to see bloggers evolve by means of kissing the right spots and the key-placed persons. What kind of future do you see for blogging/bloggers? If you were to make a top of your daily internet readings, would there be blogs amongst your favorites? How do you think the media of the future should be like? (photo via ontdff)

Bryanboy magazine picture Jaeha clothes


#1 Dolly Bird on 12.04.08 at 5:26 pm

BryanBoy annoys me with his exaggerated campy antics.
I don’t read Scott Schuman either.
So…what am I doing here?LOL!

#2 jazzyjax on 12.04.08 at 7:44 pm

I prefer Bryanboy. The Sartorialist is too uptight and contrived that everyone looks EXACTLY the same.

#3 Ellington on 12.04.08 at 9:00 pm

Bryanboy looks like Bobby Trendy’s little brother.

#4 Adriana on 12.05.08 at 11:10 am

This is the first time I read about Bryanboy! I liked Scott Schuman for a while but its over.

The future of blogging? No clue……really no clue….
One thing, there are soooooo many blogs on the web at the moment that I’m not sure anymore if my faves are really the best……

#5 Hapsical London Fashion Blog on 12.05.08 at 12:46 pm

BryanBoy is most famous in Southeast Asia, where I think blogging’s a much bigger thing (most of his mag spreads etc. are for publications based in Singapore and places near there) than in the West.

He is well known for a blogger in Europe/USA but isn’t really a celebrity like in Asia. Sadly I don’t think bloggers are gonna be the new celebrities on the whole, hahah.

BB is very clever at what he does though: he plays up to this slightly dim superficial persona, but you can tell he really knows how to engage his audience and keep them coming back for more and more.

#6 Dolly Bird on 12.05.08 at 1:17 pm

Haps you’re right about BBoy. Its all quite cleverly calculated.
It works in the Asian market.
However as queen B he’ll never dethrone our beloved Queen with a capital Q…tadah!…Perez Hilton!

#7 Adriana on 12.06.08 at 10:10 am

Dolly Bird miraculous how often we agree! I prefer the Mother off all Blogs Perez above BryanBoy (has checked the blog of cours) and SchumannBoy!
Since I’ve found out that between all his queen-screams Perez has a heart for things that really matters: long live the Queen Bee for entertainment!!

#8 Ellington on 12.06.08 at 10:27 am

I had never heard of BryanBoy until Kpriss posted about him.
As for Perez Hilton I stopped reading him about a year ago because I did not like how he would draw and dribble white stuff on various celebrities faces. I find him gross, and petty. Maybe he has changed but I have not gone back since to find out.
For bloggers that I do enjoy I read Kpriss, The Superficial (because the guy who writes it makes me laugh) and Michael K of Dlisted who is funny but not cruel.

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