Madonna’s Louis Vuitton Photoshoot

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You know the rumor saying that Madonna will shot an advertising campaign as the face of Louis Vuitton Spring Summer 2009 ? It’s false! The truth is… She has already shot those campaign pictures! On November 14th!

She was photographed in Café Figaro from Los Angeles by Steven Meisel, styled by Marie Amelie Sauve (working as a fashion editor for Vogue Paris and as a consultant for Balenciaga) and Garren (for the hair). How the campaign will look like? I don’t really know, but I know how her Madgesty looked after shooting it! What do you think? Old glam? (photos via 1, 2)

Madonna Cafe Figaro Louis Vuitton ads

Madonna Cafe Figaro Louis Vuitton ads 1

Madonna Cafe Figaro Louis Vuitton ads 2


#1 Dolly Bird on 11.17.08 at 4:55 pm

I don’t really know what to make of it.Yeah…kinda Old Glam indeed.
Its odd how Madonna looks as if her image is photo-imposed on the pictures here.
I guess we’ll have to be patient and wait for the results in the New year.

#2 Adriana on 11.17.08 at 6:18 pm

She looks just tired. The same as on a photo I saw where she left this photo-shoot.
And like Dolly Bird said it is if her image is photo-imposed.

#3 Ellington on 11.17.08 at 9:36 pm

Yes, I completely agree that Madonna looks tired and a bit haggard. But I am sure that the end result that will be released will be smooth.

#4 Sal on 11.18.08 at 8:10 am

Huh. VERY old glam. I’ll be curious to see the end result.

#5 Hapsical London Fashion Blog on 11.18.08 at 5:08 pm

With the operative word being OLD glam!

I wonder if it’s true that because of the ‘credit crunch’ fashion houses are chosing older, more experienced faces for their advertising who appeal to their more reliable ‘core’ clientele more than young models?

#6 Hapsical London Fashion Blog on 11.18.08 at 5:10 pm

Also, I agree with Dolly Bird – it looks as if Madonna posed against a screen then the Parisian cafe backdrop was Photoshopped in.. :)

#7 lacouturier on 11.18.08 at 6:05 pm

not a big fan of madonna for lv…she just makes the brand seem, well, older in a not-so-sophisticated way.

La C

#8 Alex Falcão on 11.19.08 at 1:57 pm

Horrible pics… They look like fakes… Madonna wasn’t there at all, the pics are cutted and pasted over the scenarium… :(

#9 Adriana on 11.21.08 at 6:13 am

I’ve seen that bag a few times now and it reminds on the fun shopping-bags you get for less money in drugstores and supermarkets……

#10 Laura on 11.21.08 at 9:22 am

If Madonna will be in a LV I am sure she will pull it off. I do not think this pictures have much to do with the real deal…

#11 Louis vuitton on 12.12.08 at 12:48 am

finally,Madonna carry louis vuitton handbags and pose in the ad poster

#12 Kathleen on 12.15.08 at 6:02 pm

personally, she looks a tad, well, drunk in those pictures. She a fabulous woman, it will be intresting to see the final ad

#13 Replica Designer Handbags on 06.10.09 at 9:14 am

seems very conciliatory between Louis vuitton and Madonna.

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