Quicksilver Deep Blue Denim Ad Campaign

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About two weeks ago, we decided it was time for some denim renewal in our wardrobe. My husband got himself a dark denim loyal boot cut and I hesitated because I didn’t made up my mind about the exact jeans I wanted to buy.

I tried on so many pairs, I’ve lost count. I would’ve wanted a flare leg, but I didn’t found the exact match for my constitution. I’m so over skinny, I won’t go anywhere near something like that (still have three or four pairs somewhere at the bottom of the wardrobe). The boyfriend look is somewhat too slouchy for me. Anyway, I thought about denim in many ways, but never as the Quicksilver Deep Blue did! I found it so surprising and original, I had to share with you (not to mention that it’s a perfect case for Noble Photoshop Work!)! There’s just one thing bugging me – a denim shark (or whatever else, I’m a complete ignorant when it comes to fishes, I admit it, so I have no idea what fishes these are, and if they’re authentic or made up for the love of advertisement) can turn a pair of jeans into something far more attractive than before? Not to mention the childish question a four year old could ask “If I wear a Quicksilver denim-something, would I be able to swim like fishes?”

Quicksilver Deep Blue Denim Advertising
Quicksilver Deep Blue Denim Ad Quicksilver Deep Blue Denim
(photos via coloribus)


#1 Sal on 09.02.08 at 8:10 am

I’ll haul out my geeky animal knowledge to say that the first guy is an anglerfish. Remember that scene from Finding Nemo when they’re fleeing the fish with the little light dangling from his forehead. Yeah. This is that guy. ;)

#2 Dolly Bird on 09.02.08 at 9:38 am

It looks like a Rock fish to me.My grandfather had one but it was dried or stuffed or whatever like an object of decoration.It was spiky all over.I still get the little shudders thinking about it.This ad’s equally creepy to me.Original but it doesn’t make me want to buy the brand.

#3 Ellington on 09.02.08 at 11:25 am

Whimsical adverts! I like it!
I may want to see what the product is like.

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