Bruce Springsteen Secret Garden From Jerry Maguire

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I don’t know about you (and I’m very curious to find out!), but Jerry Maguire’s Tom Cruise wasn’t all bad to my eyes.

His acting was rather convincing, and the story was perfectly romantic. And today I was feeling romantic and I remembered Bruce Springsteen’s song. I liked it at the time and things haven’t changed ever since. It’s not a movie for intellectuals (or pretended intellectuals) – it’s a light flavored movie for easy days. Today I’ll leave my movie snob at home and go for a walk in Bruce Springsteen’s Secret Garden from Jerry Maguire. Enjoy!


#1 Adriana on 09.05.08 at 6:38 pm

I liked Jerry Maquire a lot! Would for sure watch it again when its on TV. Its such a fun feel-good-movie….don’t want to spoil your romantic feelings Kpriss but we were yelling for days: “Show me the money!”

#2 Dolly Bird on 09.06.08 at 10:43 am

Great film,story and cast!
I still get a chill when I see Tom in that scene where he comes in out of the rain.All dripping wet and sexy and breathing heavily and dripping wet and manly and…OMG Dolly get a grip on yourself!!!!
Was that scene in Jerry Maquire?…anyway inspite of everything I do have a secret soft spot for Tom.

#3 Adriana on 09.06.08 at 12:02 pm

Dolly Bird, was that scene in Jerry Maguire? LOL!
To me the most entertaining part was played by Cuba Cooding Jr. His Oscar was well deserved and his “speech” very hilarious as far as I remember it…
But I loved the whole movie a lot.

I’ve had a soft spot for Tom due to some great parts like “The Firm”, “Rain Man”, “Magnolia” one of my fave movies and even “Top Gun”! But since he dumped Nicole like he did and jumped on that couch at “Oprah”….that soft spot is gone forever I’m afraid…

#4 Dolly Bird on 09.06.08 at 1:46 pm

LOL!!No Adriana I remember now.I was describing a scene from A Few Good Men.Sorry wrong film but I thought Tom looked so delicious in that sequence.

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