Agyness Deyn Chanel Spree On Dover Street

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I wasn’t sure I wanted to write about this. But then again it just haunted me without rest and I finally gave in.

She just adores her wild child attitudes, doesn’t she? Lovely Aggy is showing us just how contrasting blond hair black outfits with red and white accessories can be. And eyehurting. And just too much. I hated that mini bag the first moment I laid eyes on. Haven’t changed my mind. Those red gloves are like “uuugh, look at my hands how big they arrrrrr” not to mention that zipper-like-necklace or whatever pouring from her collar down on her shiny dress. And don’t even think about looking at her feet! Like I said, an eyehurting ensemble that makes her look like an unfinished “garçon féminin”. If you like this…..look – go on an tell me why!

Agyness Deyn At Chanel Store Dover Street London
(pictures via wireimages)


#1 Agnete Hegelund Dazed And Confused — StyleFrizz on 06.12.08 at 4:47 pm

[…] I talked about the wild child attitude early on, I see this as a logical way to carry things even […]

#2 valentine on 06.14.08 at 1:25 am

She confuses me and Im sort of getting tired of seeing her face… everywhere. She’s exhausting it… pretty soon, if this continues… Ms. Deyn would soon be… a has-been.

#3 Adriana on 06.14.08 at 11:03 am

Oohhhhh, you really hate that mini-bag? Some years ago I had some in different designs, made by myself to wear when I got out to dance……they were big enough to carry my most important things….

#4 Adriana on 06.14.08 at 11:04 am

P.S. I still have them somewhere….??

#5 Penelope on 06.21.08 at 12:57 am

I am just new to all of this blogging, and leaving comments etc. It seems fun! I actually love the dress, the blonde hair and the gold. Even the bright red gloves. But I have to say the bag I hate.. as well as the shoes and socks!!! AH! If she had’ve paired it with a hot pair of red heels, and a gorgeous gold clutch, it would’ve been perfect.

#6 Victoria Laza on 11.29.08 at 3:51 pm

I love this outfit, except the coin purse lookin’ thing on her arm makes me question her mental state.


#7 kpriss on 11.29.08 at 4:01 pm

Adriana, what I hate about that mini bag is that it was first presented as an ankle mini purse. Which is rather decadent in my view and most impractical.

Penelope, you’re right, heels and a classy clutch would’ve been perfect. Even if I don’t know about gold matching black shiny dress and red shoes..

Victoria Laza maybe she was actually serving and she needed the mini purse for tips…

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