Katie Holmes Has a New Short Bob

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And I was wondering how she’ll be holding up all things considered. Now here’s the first sign of a woman in distress:

Katie Holmes just cut her hair even shorter! Katie’s short bob was photographed at a quick outing for pie pieces from Pizzeria Mozza all in the highest discretion. (as if she could ever pass unnoticed!). I’m still waiting for that radical blonde thing! What about you? Is she going too far?
Katie Holmes has another short hairdo - an even Shorter Bob
(via usmagazine)


#1 Jillian on 04.02.08 at 12:47 pm

I was JUST going to post about this lol

I USED to have my hair cut that way, but the current BF likes long hair… but i’m thinking of doing it like over the summer (he’ll be visiting his parents for a month) while he’s gone HAHAHA *evil*

#2 smartypants on 12.27.08 at 1:34 pm

I think her hair looks great! Personally, i don’t think someone in distress would cut their hair. Short hair tends to be a sign of confidence. I mean, for example someone who grew their hair out for their BOYFRIEND shouldn’t necessarily judge.

#3 Adriana on 12.27.08 at 3:27 pm

I’ve had my hair like this once. And I was certainly not in distress when I wanted that cut!
Katie looks good with that hair cut but I’m not sure if she isn’t in distress of late looking gaunt and tired.

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