Katie Holmes at the BCAM

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Um.. normally this would have been advertising dimanche. Break to breathe and enjoy short movies.

But then I was deeply disturbed by this appearance. Katie Holmes (alongside greyish Tom Cruise) at the Saturday event from the Broad Contemporary Art Museum opening from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Let’s take a look.

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise at the BCAM Event

Now maybe it’s just me, but she looks kinda like Nicole back in the days with that perfectly swept-sided hair do. But it makes a good match for the scarf she’s wearing around her neck. Pretty sophisticated.

Katie Holmes Dress at the BCAM

That dress, on the other side, creeps me out! Not a specific shape to it, draped top, bubble-like downside and, well, as much as I would like to avoid it – with a backside scarf. Or tail. Or whatever that would be. It’s like she sat on something that stained her dress and quickly cut short on the black neck scarf to put a hasty appliqué at the back of the dress so the shame will be covered.

Nevermind. Let’s say we just tear off the black back thingie. But what shall we do about the sandals? They look at least two numbers bigger than her usual size (maybe they’re leftovers from Nicole and Tom makes her put them on, after all, they kinda remind me of Nicole’s style) and they’re so ugly, it makes me completely forget the catastrophe dress!

Katie Holmes Sandals at the BCAM

What are we to do with you, Katie?

I honestly think that one of these days I’ll pull out a desperation number and write her a style-letter. With your help, of course! So what do you say? Let’s put on some advices in writing for dearest Katie!

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#1 Chuck U Farelly on 02.10.08 at 3:38 pm

Katie Katie Katie…….What are you thinking?
Anyway’s Congrats on being taller than Tom!

#2 e.varden on 02.10.08 at 10:02 pm

Aw, g’wan! She looks wonderful! And peculiarly self-possessed. (Should I be relieved, or concerned?)

I applaud everything except her bruised-looking big toenails.


#3 joy on 02.20.08 at 12:18 pm

The shoes are ugly. The dress looks like it’s made out of cheap pajama satin. Tom’s suit looks like he bought it a Men’s Wearhouse in a size too small.

And for heaven’s sake, please no more close-ups of Katie’s toes. That girl seriously needs to see a podiatrist!

#4 e. varden on 02.21.08 at 6:28 pm

I read Joy’s post and I looked again at the picture of Katie.

You’re just jellus, Joy! Tiny Tom is hers. Get over it.

Katie’s only fault is her teevee-developed twitchy smirk.

#5 joy on 02.22.08 at 3:14 pm

Not jealous, just bemused by the fact that anyone would think that having him as a spouse would be a positive thing.

Me, I prefer a man with larger feet. His tiny little feet and his tiny little body don’t really work for me.

#6 Katie Holmes Golden Appearance For Victoria Beckham’s 34th Black And White Birthday — StyleFrizz on 04.21.08 at 1:51 pm

[…] on Katie, she wisely resolute to advise Gwen Stefani to follow up on that trend. Now what’s there left for Katie to splash around? A dress made from old couch-like fabric in sparkling gold, a Tom Cruise haircut and horrifying […]

#7 Adriana on 01.06.09 at 10:36 am

That dress screams: “Iron me please!”

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