Entries Tagged 'Lindsay Lohan' ↓

Not over Skull Jewellery
Me&Ro still finds a way to make Skull motifs fashionable! Of course, Lindsay Lohan was one of the first celebrities caught wearing Me&Ro Jewellery (in... Read More

2 Comments | Accessories, Celebrities, Jewellery, Unstyle

Chanel Handbags
Everybody loves Chanel! And every girl should have one at home . One piece, one article, THE CHANEL. And what better than a handbag? You... Read More

2 Comments | Bags, Casual Style, Celebrities, Designers, Events, Luxury, Street style

The XXL Scarf Back on Top
It seems that scarves not only protect us from the cold.. not only gives us a little something extra to lighten up a dark outfit... Read More

3 Comments | Accessories, Casual Style, Celebrities, Street style, Unstyle