Twilight Style – Robert Pattinson Is Gay?

Bram Stoker must be twisting and turning in his grave now! The new vampire generation, the Twilight absolute Kingdom over the young generation is about to be rocked from its very foundations: Robert Pattinson supposedly made his coming out! (the Twilight madness is upon me, finally! It must be the flu…)

Robert Pattinson, Twilight’s Edward is rumored to be gay! (the story continues right after the jump!)

Twilight Edward Bella

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Burger King Presents Flame, The Body Spray!

If you were looking for a new scent identity, you might one to consider Burger King! No, I’m not suggesting lunch! And April Fools Day is over. (though chez nous, the April Fools day came right in the middle of a heavy flu virus manifestation that was far from being a joke!)

Burger King introduces Flame! The Body Spray!

Flame Burger King It can be yours for just $3.95 and you’ll be able to smell like a regular whopper anytime! (It would be great to order it at the very Burger King counter! with your BK meal!)

Isn’t this great? I always had a secret desire to be surrounded by junk food odors! (talk about Flame, you should really visit their website, no words can cover that!). That brings back Pulp Fiction memories… If you could make a similar perfume, what would it smell like? (I’d like garlic, just for the fun!) (via)

Nicole Richie’s Important Message For Women And Bottled Water!

Nicole Richie bottled waterNeedless to say we’re talking about that bottled water car-case chain message (don’t read it if you don’t want the green grass stop growing under your dog’s steps, if you don’t want to see Lady GaGa wearing pants and Michael Jackson turn black again!). But in case you’re curious, be careful, you might reach the Nicole Richie threshold of wisdomness Nicole Richie: talking to bottled water! And women! Take that, Harry Potter! (NicoleRichie, photos via nrf, ecf, photochopping courtesy Stylefrizz)

Topshop NY Opening With The New Kate Moss Summer 2009 Collection

Is it Thursday yet? Topshop’s New York store will soon open its doors (tomorrow, April 2!) and it’ll look like this!

Bright and colorful, spring-ish and simply Topshop, the new New York store looks just like the Oxford Circus Topshop store, on four levels and 28,000 square feet just for selling (from the 40,000 square feet of total surface) with a DJ booth for busy days or special events. (the story continues right after the jump, don’t miss the gallery with pictures from the new NY Topshop and Kate Moss’ Spring 2009 collection for Topshop!)

Kate Moss Topshop Summer 2009

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Anna Selezneva’s Vogue Paris April – Comme Frere Et Soeur

Beware, Freja’s androgyny looks are no longer fashionable! Anna Selezneva is the new it girl!

Vogue Paris recreated a vintage unisex atmosphere with Anna Selezneva, all photographed by Mario Sorrenti and styled by Emanuelle Alt. If the cover features the Anti-Marilyn, this editorial is also depicted from the movies – Just One of the Guys (1985). Anna is definitely the new Moss. This CK-ish attitude pictorial is proof de plus if ever needed so! For some strange reason, I find Anna’s “boy” styling more interesting than her girl-shoots. How about you? (more pictures after the jump!) (via)

Anna Selezneva Paris Vogue Sorrenti

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Scarlett Johansson’s Vogue Paris April 2009

I tried so hard to go around this cover! I really did! You know I dislike Scarlett Johansson. Her overpraised beauty and sexyness make me think there’s too much ink, to many bites of information already pouring down about her, that I should go radio silent and let others write Scarlett love letters!

Well, wanting to write about Anna Selezneva’s boy/girl pictorial has brought me the inevitable: talking about Scarlett’s cover. (the story continues after the jump! Don’t miss the gallery with all the pictures with Scarlett from Vogue Paris April 2009!)

Scarlett Johansson Vogue Paris April 09 cover

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The World’s First Eco Lingerie Factory – Marks & Spencer

There’s so much to do when it comes to environmental friendly industry, people should be encouraged and promoted to get more involved and go green. So, naturally, I couldn’t skip this enchanting piece of news: the world’s first eco factory!

And no, it’s not the vintage-kind of green! It’s something authentic, thoroughly planned and constructed by a renowned retail chain: Marks & Spencer. (the story continues right after the jump!)

Mas Intimates Thurulie Eco Conscious park

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Erin Wasson, The Half Pipe And The Tree House

Erin Wasson Half pipe backyardFor those interested, Erin Wasson is hosting another garage sale with big-brand-clothes! Joking! That was almost two weeks ago! But seriously, for those of you interested, Erin Wasson is hosting backyard grill & (half pipe) skate parties (that could end up in her tree house) at her Venice Beach house! ahem…the Erin Wasson Sanctuary! (Interview)