Notable Street Fashion Trend: Printed Skirt & Dark Sweater

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Since I took the wearable road of fashion (with clothes and shoes you can wear, stand and walk in more than 10 minutes without sounding like a squeaky toy while doing so), let me ask you if you’ve seen the latest trend on the fashion street! Because I just did and I think it’s wonderful!

Who doesn’t have a dark sweater hanging in the back of the wardrobe? Too simple, too basic to work some fashion trick on your daily style routine? Well, now you can take that dark sweater, put it over a summery dress or a white skirt with nice prints on, something that’ll cheer the fashion spirit of the said sweater and you’re perfectly, fashionably good to go! Have you tried it yet? It worked for you? (all images taken by Phil Oh in various cities of the world; via)

new fashion trend dark sweater printed skirt

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 11.26.12 at 1:04 pm

I like this look. It is simple and classic! : )

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