Here’s Sasha Pivovarova’s Baby Girl, Mia Isis!

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With just a few days before turning 1 (week old), Sasha Pivovarova’s baby girl had her first photo session! It’s a hard knock’s life for a supermodel’s baby! So here’s Sasha’s baby girl, Mia Isis! Welcome sweet, beautiful baby girl, blessings and happiness may always be with you! Aren’t they lovely? {FF}

Sasha Pivovarova baby girl Mia Isis first images


#1 Riana on 05.23.12 at 6:22 am

How cute!! So nice to see such a natural photo :) <3

#2 ana on 05.23.12 at 7:51 am

Congratulations to the new mum.

#3 Ellington on 05.23.12 at 12:04 pm

A lovely photo. : )

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