The Smallest Things…

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Today, my dahlings, is one of those very special days. And I’m not just saying that because it’s Sunday! Not even because it’s Earth Day! (although that doubles the fondness I have for this day, every year). Today is someone’s special Birthday. Our dear friend, Adriana, is celebrating her Birthday today: Happy Birthday, dear Adriana! We love you dearly!

This little image below is my way of marking the date on StyleFrizz’s Calendar. Sometimes, The Smallest Things Take Up The Most Room In Your Heart! Ain’t that true? (the image was assembled with outmost care and dedication by yours truly. If you happen to know where some of the images come from, please step forward so I can credit them properly! Hoping you’ll enjoy this image)

the smallest things take up the most room

1 comment so far

#1 Riana on 04.22.12 at 10:15 am

Yes, that’s so very true as I noticed on a day like this for me personal…..:))

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