Madonna supposedly tried it all and undergone every possible transformation for her stage persona to go further and further into our hearts. And pockets. Her latest Dolce & Gabbana ad campaign goes even deeper in exploring the eternal youth benefits of Photoshop.
It seems the story line behind her campaign involves a young woman (inspired by Italian actress Anna Magnani) who’s living her life on every level (as a daughter, sister, mother, granddaughter and cousin – I wonder where they left the wife part). Thus the young man we already saw in the pictures should be her 17-yo son. Looks like Madonna hired D & G not the other way around – the campaign seems tailored on her Madgesty’s tastes and ambitions. A bit twisted for the wide audience to embrace… So you’ve done Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana. Who’s next Madge? (don’t miss the rest of the images right after the jump! Click here for the gallery!) (via 1, 2, 3)
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