Charming Lilah Parsons is a British Born aspiring beauty running with Profile Model Mgmt, UK.
Her dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes make her stand out as well as her 178/81/61/89 5’10”/32”/24”/35”. Modeling for 6 weeks, Lilah is a young 18 years old going for the catwalk. Or not. If you were to decide, what would you say? (via)
She is very pretty and reminds me a tad of Zooey Deschanel, who just recently got married. :)
Ah, she reminds me a little bit of Daisy Lowe and even more so as the cute Goth girl in my street!
Love her look. Really unusual. She’ll stand out.
She’s not 18. She was in my year at school for five years and she’s 21, born in 1988 or maybe even 87. She also already was with Cape about two years ago but obviously that didn’t work out…
who cares about any of that……shes AMAZING and doing so well, whos any one to argue????!!!!!!!!!! def one to watch..even vogue are saying so!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think she’s beautiful!
i wonder if she will do the shows…
keep seeing her face everywhere
really nice girl ;)
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