Kim Kardashian Without Makeup

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Kim Kardashian is one of those (many) people famous for being famous. And that is a culture, nowadays.

So is makeup. Because if you take makeup away from the famous for being famous, there’s not much left. The crowd loves your vain image just the way it is: colored and pretty. Take away the color, the face fades away instantly. (the story continues right after the jump)

Kim Kardashian With Without makeup

I was surprised to see Jessica Simpson without makeup. Now I live that feeling all over again when looking at Kim Kardashian without makeup (that kinda puts Eva Longoria’s makeupless face into some strange angelic light). Contemporary word of wisdom: paint makes famous! (photos via 1, 2)

Kim Kardashian Without makeup


#1 Daydreamer on 08.29.09 at 7:27 am

She doesn’t look that bad, but she definitely looks older than real age. This is why someone loves makeup so much.

#2 Adriana on 08.29.09 at 9:01 am

I don’t get the fuss about those Kardashian girls and I don’t care either plus I always think Megan Fox and some others are also family……shallow and empty……:-/

I don’t wear make-up today, my hair in a pony-tail, I wear old sports housewear and I watched tv on a chilly Saturday late summer midday: Remains of the Day, what a beautiful film that still is. I feel a tad melancholic…..

#3 anon on 08.29.09 at 9:44 am

um you’re a bitch, she looks fine.

#4 Ellington on 08.29.09 at 10:27 am

She looks normal I’d say without makeup, neither worse nor better, but I think that I like her with her hair darker.

#5 Adriana on 08.30.09 at 5:51 am

Kpriss, why is this interesting. Why? It’s not critic personal towards you because I see it everywhere…Fashion is these days about “this” a lot. It’s on, the prestigious NY Times The Cut the same thing. So yes, it’s not that strange that Perez Hilton has his own “fashion blog” now. I’ve never visited the blog though. Why should I? I can see nono’s everywhere….. forums are one big commercial for prescripted drugs these days! They doesn’t even pay attention to it anymore. It’s such a terrible shame since many people are addicted or have died because of the use of prescripted drugs! And they don’t even care…arrrghhhh….I bet they’re gonna change the site since is going to end next month? It’s possible they’re gonna change too and get rid of their forums. But that can never be a good reason or excuse to support terrible addictions.

#6 Adriana on 08.30.09 at 6:05 am

Ah, sorry! Why does I write that here? Plus I’m in very good mood….I believe the Formula 1 begin to bore me. Oh, last laps are on and Raikonnen is on the lead now…oh, now Vettel….grrrrrrrr…..doeiiiiiii

#7 Tavia on 08.30.09 at 7:54 am

I was expecting her to look like this without makeup. All the stars fades with their makeup on. They are just normal persons like you and me, and a good makeup artist can do miracles. It’s a shame for those who can’t see behind the makeup.

#8 kpriss on 08.31.09 at 6:44 am

Ellington – like her better with dark hair too! This lighter look is more Queen Bee’s signature style!

So you were all expecting to see this behind the makeup. Maybe because I don’t wear any (makeup), it makes a deeper impact on me. I only use the YSL Illuminateur (praised be its creator!) and Lancome mascara on rare occasions. Seeing a celeb face without any kind of concealer or makeup is a rare thing these days. I remember someone once confessed she can’t be seen bare faced so she gets up early in the morning (with two hours before anyone else in the house) and she takes a shower, straightens her hair, puts her day makeup on (loads of concealer, foundation, mascara and khol) so her husband won’t ask if she’s sick like he did when he first saw her without makeup!! And she was such a pretty young woman!

#9 Adriana on 08.31.09 at 1:44 pm

Up two hours earlier? Really? Divorce I would say……I use so less make-up like you Kpriss at least men always knew what I’d look like hahahaha… it isn’t such a shock more like a relieve: I don’t talk so much the first two hours of the day! :D

#10 Pauline on 08.31.09 at 5:05 pm

yeah, kim kardashian definitely cakes on her make-up, she looks like any other chick walking down the street…The wonders of make-up!

#11 mayssa on 10.17.09 at 9:10 pm

SHE STILL LOOKS STUNNING, shes soo beautiful its amazing..

#12 wondering on 06.30.10 at 9:09 pm

idk what people are talking adout shes really pretty without makeup but just better with it on a little

#13 Abdier on 07.26.10 at 7:10 am

Well in my opinion like all the woman looks beatifull with makeups but when its without makeup look ugly and depend the skin of woman but Kim Kardashian look pretty without makeup.

#14 Sam on 09.02.10 at 7:30 pm

Are you kidding me?! She’s gorgeous even without makeup…..I am so jealous of her….

#15 Bored on 11.24.10 at 10:35 pm

I wonder if you look better without make up and if you look half as good as her with make up on?
I’m so annoyed of negative jealous people.

#16 urALLpathetic on 12.12.10 at 11:13 am

since shes practically plastic from head to toe she has no imperfections. she corrected those errors along time ago so theres not much of a difference, reverse the plastic surgery and then you can see the difference

#17 Brandie on 08.30.11 at 2:11 pm

She looks bad. I’m sorry…she just does. Like her skin is pealing, and she has dark spots under her eyes. This is what happens after putting SO much makeup on…you start luking bad without it and I guess your face just becomes so dependent on makeup! Kim is BEAUTIFUL but she should really let skin breathe NATURAL BEAUTY for a while!

#18 Marawy on 01.11.12 at 1:41 am

she’s pretty lets see how you look like in early morning with no makeup at least Kim has great body which i am 100% sure you dont silly ppl

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