Even if it’s negative, free publicity is always a gift from Heaven! The word is out that there’s a place where in exchange for $160 you can have your own pair of Louboutins! Fake Louboutins! Louboutinmall.com is your destination if you’re looking for authentic real fake Louboutins! Can you really tell the difference? (The Cut)
Beware! Fake Louboutins For $160!
June 3rd, 2009 by kpriss | Quick Links, Rumors Round The Blog, Shoes, Unstyle
There’s a lot of fuzz around this on the web. I’ve never seen a real Louboutin in my life so I think I do not see any difference. I do care neither.
What I do care about is who’s worried about the hands and the wage for the people, maybe children, who does work on this fake Loubs?
They are just asking for a lawsuit.
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