Beware! Fake Louboutins For $160!

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Fake Louboutin pumpsEven if it’s negative, free publicity is always a gift from Heaven! The word is out that there’s a place where in exchange for $160 you can have your own pair of Louboutins! Fake Louboutins! is your destination if you’re looking for authentic real fake Louboutins! Can you really tell the difference? (The Cut)


#1 Adriana on 06.04.09 at 6:03 am

There’s a lot of fuzz around this on the web. I’ve never seen a real Louboutin in my life so I think I do not see any difference. I do care neither.
What I do care about is who’s worried about the hands and the wage for the people, maybe children, who does work on this fake Loubs?

#2 Ellington on 06.05.09 at 7:31 am

They are just asking for a lawsuit.

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