Marc Jacobs Cancan With Kate Moss

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Marc Jacobs and Kate Moss seem to be having so much fun together! Their latest? Helping make the world a better place by planting a tree in their neighborhood.

Wait, what? Noo-no! Just kidding, Marc Jacobs and Kate Moss were out partying all night (comme d’habitude), raising Hell with their French Cancan! Men skirts really get to you, Marc! (more after the jump!)

Kate Moss Marc Jacobs party

And simply because we can, let’s take a sneak peak at Marc Jacobs’ secret garden… (photos via)

Marc Jacobs garden

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 04.20.09 at 1:37 pm

Ah fun, and frolics with Marc and Kate.
His garden looks pretty.

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