The World’s First Eco Lingerie Factory – Marks & Spencer

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There’s so much to do when it comes to environmental friendly industry, people should be encouraged and promoted to get more involved and go green. So, naturally, I couldn’t skip this enchanting piece of news: the world’s first eco factory!

And no, it’s not the vintage-kind of green! It’s something authentic, thoroughly planned and constructed by a renowned retail chain: Marks & Spencer. (the story continues right after the jump!)

Mas Intimates Thurulie Eco Conscious park

Although not many details are available, I will give in to the joy of actually writing about such great green initiative! M&S started producing their lingerie in Sri Lanka, in a tip-to-toes green factory: starting with the bricks 90% made from local soil and only 10% from cement, the construction’s emplacement and round design, the green grass roofs, everything points towards green. This is M&S’ plan A, something working towards the environment and not against it. Does it influence you to buy more from them? Or all you care about is fashion, no matter the green factor?

Eco Factory MAS Sri Lanka green roofs

Built using a vast array of energy consumption reducing materials and innovative techniques, the Thurulie MAS Intimates factory is a defining testing ground for a new type of conscious industry. Nature provided so much for the project: daylight, vegetation to ensure the microclimate inside the park and the cooling roofs condition, soil for eco-compressed bricks, rainwater used for toilets and so on.

The initial estimations indicated a reduction of 40% on electricity consumption and 50% water savings compared to similar, traditional factories. Access to natural light and direct access to green spaces could add to the employees overall comfort. An ambitiously positive green establishment awarded the LEED® (Platinum) certification established by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute in 2010. All we can say is that we’re eager to see this type of eco-conscious factories propagate throughout the world!

Sri Lanka eco factory MAS Thurulie

Marks and Spencer Sri Lanka eco factory


#1 Ellington on 03.31.09 at 3:27 pm

I think that this is really rather nifty!
I like Marks and Sparks and I have to say that I miss them a lot since they left Canada.
Its nice to see them being forward thinking.

#2 Adriana on 04.02.09 at 3:57 pm

This is great! I would rush off to M&S to see for myself if it’s great and if the lingerie has a good fit. And since one of my fave fashion writers like Hilary recommend it…..hmm…..
But alas, we have since years no M&S anymore in Amsterdam. Although I’d only bought there some nice English goodies I love so much. I still miss the shop…..

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