Givenchy Phenomen’Eyes Mascara

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My faithful mascara (Lancôme) lives its last days and I begun the mascara hunting party. I came across this Givenchy and was most amazed with the result! (oh, how I love honest makeup reviews! They actually help!)

Anyway, this wand made me raise my eyebrows and wonder if, by accident, they’ve cut the thing in production and this was a bad outcome, actually. Well, I couldn’t be more wrong, it seems, since the applicator is a small sphere intended to look and behave in a very specific way. That sphere shape allows an even distribution of the mascara on every lash for a spectacular after effect. Have you tried this one? Should I give up my Lancôme L’Extreme for the Givenchy Phenomen’Eyes promise?

Givenchy Phenomen Eyes Mascara
( via source)


#1 Ellington on 08.07.08 at 9:29 am

Kpriss, if it works and makes your eyes look stellar then yes I think you should use it!
I think that I would like to try it too!

#2 Ajent Orange on 08.07.08 at 1:21 pm

The Givenchy looks like it would be harder to use than the Lancome. It looks like one you should try before you buy.

#3 kpriss on 08.09.08 at 3:00 pm

Ellington, before I came across this one, I was thinking about those vibra-mascaras… I linked in the article..Now I’m not so sure anymore…

Ajent Orange it’s true, one should try, but you know, in the stores, everyone tries on the products and I’m a bit resentful to the idea of playing with fire and testing like dozens of other people with the same brush.

#4 Nena on 08.15.08 at 5:44 pm

The wand on the Phenomen’eyes is made from some sort of antibacterial plastic, so if you clean it off with alcohol you should be fine.

#5 Sophie on 03.30.09 at 8:18 pm

yeahh. it looks awicked brush. where do you get it from though??


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