Louboutin Autographs Shoes at Saks

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Christian Louboutin ads a personal crayon touch to the world of shoes. Thursday, February, 7, 2008 he’s signing shoes from 4 to 7 at Saks Fifth Avenue.

Is it just me, or the world’s going upside down? I remember a time when books were autographed by their authors. I even remember times when books were more popular than shoes! Now are we looking at the saddest perspective ever of replacing books with shoes? Libraries with shoe stores?

Christian Louboutin Autographs Shoes

What do you think? Is Louboutin going too far? Or it’s incredible that he’ll do such an amazing gesture and sign his creations and you’ve already canceled all your plans for tomorrow for a line-in at Saks?

1 comment so far

#1 e.varden on 02.08.08 at 5:32 am

How ghastly! This over-designed shoe is wearing the leg, how tres inappropriate. (And what next, Sharpie-signed thongs?)


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