Furniture To Shoes: Kartell And NormaLuisa Glue Cinderella Shoes Collection

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Going from furniture to shoes/clothing ? Why not? We’ve seen the opposite, that’s for sure!

Kartell is a respected Italian furniture brand and their shoes collection, made with (again Italian) NormaLuisa, a clothing brand, is called “Glue Cinderella”. Available starting this month (with a retail price of 90 euros) , the Glue Cinderella flats fall into the plastic category Kartell is so famous for.

More and more fashion looks for new and innovative ways to work classic designs and shapes. (more images after the jump)

Kartell Normaluisa Glue Cinderella shoes collection 1

Kartell Normaluisa Glue Cinderella shoes collection 2

Plastic has its virtues but heavy flaws too. Though I don’t know what kind of materials were actually used in the making of the Glue Cinderella ballerinas, I’d say they really catch the eye and spoil the foot. Would you crack for a Glue Cinderella by Kartell and .normaluisa? Or rather stay with Melissa and Dame Vivienne? (via 1, 2)

Kartell Normaluisa Glue Cinderella shoes collection 3


#1 Hapsical London Fashion Blog on 01.25.09 at 7:31 am

Marc Jacobs has done plastic flats very like these for several seasons now. Still, they look a lot better than the truly hideous Philippe Starck x Puma shoes, which were not a good furniture-to-shoes moment!

#2 Adriana on 01.25.09 at 9:43 am

LOL! They look a lot like the cheapies I’ve bought in France to wear in the Dordogne and a few pair (different colors) in Greece in the sea because of the stones!

#3 Ellington on 01.25.09 at 11:43 am

The remind me of Jellies. They are cute and I like them as they are a bit of fun. : )

#4 deka on 01.27.09 at 1:23 am

jcrew did this last summer

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