Entries Tagged 'movies' ↓

Friday Rolling Stones – Sympathy For The Devil
Missed a good movie break? Well, here you go! Interview With A Vampire was just too much for me to forget. I saw this movie... Read More

2 Comments | Friday Break, Unstyle

Keira Knightley Flat Grey Dress The Duchess Premiere Toronto
This doesn’t even dignify as a fashion disaster. It’s a silhouette disaster. How does anyone choose its outfits? Function to what it’s fitting and flattering... Read More

18 Comments | Celebrities, Fashion Disaster

I don’t know about you (and I’m very curious to find out!), but Jerry Maguire’s Tom Cruise wasn’t all bad to my eyes. His acting... Read More

4 Comments | Friday Break, Unstyle

Vogue Gwyneth Paltrow Pictures By Steven Klein
Ridiculously high photoshoped Gwyneth in her oh-so-breathtaking-photoshoot for Vogue. The sidereal appearance is called “Hard Wired” and it’s photographed by Steven Klein. It has almost... Read More

3 Comments | Celebrities, Magazines

Friday Break – Brazil Theme Song by Geoff Muldaur
Do you ever find yourself haunted by some movies? Movies at first you didn’t get the right way and you feel there was something more... Read More

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