The New Speech And Writing Style

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That’s one piece of story I wish I could say “look what I found!” about, out loud and jumping up and down like a child on some treasure chest filled with toys he came about while searching for an unpaired sock in his / her drawer!

Yes, it’s like a precious, precious gem! A list of annoying words authored by the New York Times Magazine (ex) editor in chief, Kurt Andersen. A marvelous proof of journalism and professionalism that is already making the rounds of the interwebs (I’m sure that’s an eligible word for The List). Also, many potential candidates for the list coming from commentators, feel free to check it out at the source! What would you add? What annoys you in the modern days web / journalism? (via)

Words To Avoid


#1 mdinah on 06.01.11 at 3:03 pm

I hate when a non french speaker , trying to be chic,ads a “je ne sais quoi” in the sentence.
its outdated.

#2 kpriss on 06.01.11 at 11:37 pm

Here’s one: “per se”!

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