Chain Curtain High Heels Shoes Do It Yourself

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Every now and then, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do: fight fashion in her own way! And one of those bugging trends around these last seasons have been the chain curtain heels. And with reason: they look most fashionably and heart melting (in a stylish kind of way).

Now pay close attention, the following will show you that you can spawn trendy shoes right in the comfort of your home sweet home with just a few simple accessories and few serious minutes of patience! You’ll be needing: high heels shoes (your choosing), chain jewelry you’ll be willing to part with (or a chain belt); 8 studs with prongs, scalpel (hobby knife), jewelry pliers, 8 jumprings (appx 1/32 inch diam). Hit the jump to see how it’s done!

Chain Curtain high heels shoes diy

After marking the places where the studs should go onto with a scalpel, you insert the stud right after you have attached 2 jumprings on each of the prongs; bend the prongs. Continue for the other two studs and the other shoe, making sure to hang just one jumpring for the extremes.

Chain Curtain high heels shoes what you need

Chain Curtain high heels shoes step 2 3 4 5

Get the chain curtains ready (either use the jewelry pieces, the belt or the chain bulk you were lucky enough to have found at a store near you). Cut the chains at the same level as the heel. You can add heavier chains on the exterior sides (or not), either way, the end result has to look like this! Now excuse me while I go get me some chains to sacrifice and a pair of shoes to experiment on! (it’s not a hard DIY, is it?) (the Skinny via Park and Cube)

Chain Curtain high heels shoes step 6 7 8

Chain Curtain high heels shoes step 9 10 11

Chain Curtain high heels shoes final step


#1 Adriana on 04.28.10 at 7:31 am

You know I like everything creative and to customize but to be honest: I like the shoes better before. This reminds of that other article of late with customized feather jeans?
But I love the possibility of course. Nifty as Ellington should say. :)

#2 Isabella on 02.12.12 at 8:34 am

They are awesome :)

I made a list of DIY ideas on my blog <3
You're in it, hope thats okay :)

#3 kpriss on 02.12.12 at 9:38 am

@Isabella: Thank you! It’s ok to link back to my website but please do so by copying the picture to your website (it’s not good to hotlink the picture directly from here).

#4 tamia on 03.19.12 at 4:10 pm

how can i order these shoes , plese send me an email so that i can have the information , i will pay anything to have them.

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