White Casual Friday Outfit

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As much as I dislike spoilers, I have to bring you this white laid back Friday outfit. Just in case…

Remarquez, please, the all-white (pre Labor day, true, but white nevertheless) outfit as brought to us by the SATC 2 stylists and Sarah Jessica Parker. There’s also a string of pearls involved, something I would have never thought possible to pair with Converse sneakers! Regardless of being so over skinny jeans, I admit this getup looks pretty good. Could you? Would you be this white Friday casual? (hair side note: frizzy curls shoulder long are back!) (photos via)

Sarah Jessica Parker White Outfit SATC

White Casual Outfit


#1 Tavia on 09.04.09 at 6:24 am

I really don’t undrst what pearls are doing there:)

#2 Daydreamer on 09.04.09 at 10:05 am

Don’t really get the whole styling point but I do love the direction it is going. Can she pair them with loubs. Would be much fun to see.

#3 Adriana on 09.04.09 at 12:51 pm

I would but not with the skinny jeans.

#4 Ellington on 09.04.09 at 5:58 pm

I like this look. Pearls and all and I am a BIG TIME Converse Chica!
From what I understand this is suppose to be a flashback Carrie in the upcoming film.

#5 Café au lait on 09.05.09 at 2:04 pm

look those hands, it’s like they belong to someone else, because,they are the only thing that tell her age,

hihhi sorry,
I’m tired, my baby is sleeping, I don’t have energy to sew, and my men is working late,

#6 cc on 12.30.09 at 8:51 pm

I think she looks so cute I just want to squeeze her in a big hug! This outfit is half horrific-half FAAAAbulous! Or so bad it’s EXCELLENT!!!! hahaha! God bless her for wearing it so well

#7 cc on 12.30.09 at 8:56 pm


I adore Converse as well – too bad they’re so prolific – here in New Zealand every man, woman, child and their grandma is wearing them right now

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