In December 2007 she filed suit against the building’s co-op board charging that she was wrongfully blocked by the co-op to buy a neighbor’s apartment.
She already had an apartment in the building at Harperley Hall 41 since 1985 and the second one she bought (for which she filed suit) left her accounts $7 Million lighter. Rumor has it that her Madgesty is trying to expand her original apartment by connecting it with the second one to create a mega unit to contain her sticky and sweet mega ego.
The thing it, the same kind of apartment, two floors up, sold in 2006 $2 Million less. She may have won the court fight, but she lost the financial war.
This was the Twilight Concrete Zone reporting. Did you ever dream about combining two units in your building? (that is, of course, if you’re living in a flat)
(via source)
No, I live in a house, but if I did I would not wish to do as Madonna.
She has lots of money and lots of ego so she needs lots of space.
The whole idea Madge’s Manhattan melée with her apartments is a complete Twilight Zone episode to me.I’ve been planning my budget for years to redo the walls in my house and add in a bow window. Madge’s need to have bigger space is indeed a reflexion of her ego getting bigger.Anyway its her money,her problem and her bizness I guess.
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