Stephanie Seymour’s Tough Divorce

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Stephanie Seymour and husbandOur hearts went for Azzedine Alaïa who was snubbed from Met’s Model as Muse exhibition. We applauded Naomi and Stephanie who refused to participate the Benefit Gala because of the Alaïa incident. Now we learn that Stephanie Seymour is, actually, going through a messy divorce from her husband of 16 years and father of her three kids. Is that your Alaïa incident, Stephanie? (Graziadaily)


#1 Adriana on 05.10.09 at 6:30 am

Yeah…..I wish Stephanie all the best. Since that bastard has changed the locks on their home and calls her an unfit mother and wants full custody. And what kind of guy is this Peter Brant who left his first wife, with whom he has five children, for Stephanie back then? They both cheated on their partners back then which ended up in a nasty law suit (initiated by the same Peter Brant) against Axl Rose who, had been so stupid to sue Stephanie first for “infidelity” since they were engaged and he still lives in the home he bougth for him and Stephanie and Dylan her son. He lives still with Dylan’s former nanny as his housekeeper, assistent etc. she didn’t leave… oh, oh….so messy….
But I team Stephanie and hopes for the best for her. No one should take a mother’s children from her even if it’s true or not Stephanie has or had an affair with a hockey-player. Mr. Brant should look at himself first!

Oh, there are so many cute video’s on YouTube from Stephanie and Axl. Too cute for words. I was very, very surprised to see those. I begin to smell the real bastard in this mess: so you go Stephanie!!

(Sorry the Formula 1 Barcelona is not really exiting (anymore)……)

#2 Ellington on 05.11.09 at 8:17 pm

I wish her well. Divorce is never pretty.

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