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Although it’s officially the summer holiday break, I have so many things I’d like to talk to you about! So many, I nearly forgot talking about the lovely Marion Cotillard pulling a double Vogue duty this month!
Both Vogue Paris and Vogue US have put Marion Cotillard on their August 2012 cover. Vogue US looks like the usual cover (probably shot by Testino) as for the French Vogue (Mario Sorrenti) – it looks like a previous AnOther cover (photographed by Ellen von Unwerth).
Despite the double cover incident and given my fondness for Marion, it’s a nice, coherent visual move from the house of Vogue. I’m really curious about the inside content now, especially the main pictorial, for the comparison’s sake. For the moment, I can’t pick a favorite. Can you?
July 13th, 2012 by kpriss — Celebrities, Featured, Magazines, Unstyle
Have you seen Vogue US’ June 2012 cover? Completely unexpected, Vogue puts an Olympic issue on the newsstand and expects us to fall into the patriotic trap and forget about fashion, style and everything else Vogue is supposed to stand for.
Masterfully executed by Annie Leibovitz, the photo of Hope Solo and Serena Williams flanking Ryan Lochte lacks salt and pepper. So many things work against this cover: from the cliché beach picture we’ve seen Annie doing in the past to the draped beige – ish swimsuits (it occurred to me that these should make us think of golden medals – should they?)
Until more images will pop up online, just to have it all clear for everyone: Serena Williams needs no more introductions in or out of the tennis court – she’s a living legend. Hope Solo is a goalkeeper for the Seattle Sounders Women soccer team; Ryan Lochte is an American swimmer, six – time Olympic medalist.
May 13th, 2012 by kpriss — Featured, Magazines, Sports, Unstyle
Now that’s a stunning view: Jennifer Lopez is promoting herself through every means possible. And that includes a Vogue issue.
Vogue April 2012 shows a glowing, beautiful, perfectly fashionable Jenny from the Block as photographed by Mario Testino. (though it’s really not an original combination, red dresses and Ocean backdrops seem to be one of Anna’s favorite settings when it comes to celebrities covers – remember there was even a notorious controversy on that matter with Angelina’s cover and Jennifer Aniston’s cover?). Pulling a Janet Jackson for the Oscars one day, a Vogue the other, Jennifer Lopez (post divorce) is a pretty busy lady! Was marriage keeping her down? (image via)
March 12th, 2012 by kpriss — Celebrities, Featured, Magazines
This is great! And I’m not saying it just because it’s Adele and I love her to pieces! But because on Vogue’s US March 2012 Cover is a British singer and on Vogue’s UK March 2012 Cover is an American singer (Lana del Rey)! I’m amazed! The little coincidences making life even more interesting than it already is! (although I have my doubts that the two editions don’t know what they’re planning months ahead)
Adele, as photographed by Mert and Marcus, looks thinner than I remembered her. However, I don’t know if I should cast the stone at the Photoshop – people or take a better, closer look at Adele as she appeared last night at the 2012 edition of the Grammy Awards – after all, she’s been through a difficult surgery… (more images after the jump; check out the gallery here)
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February 13th, 2012 by kpriss — Celebrities, Featured, Magazines
Each and every time I used to complain about Vogue US doing celebrity covers. Now I gave up that whining for it is truly beyond me and living a perpetually negative attitude won’t help. The truth is, and I realize this can be upsetting for fashpeople who look at Vogue as the Bible of Fashion, that Anna Wintour is more than just about fashion. She’s about style.
And today’s style (for more reasons than I care to get into right now) is the celebrity style. Of course we get our fair share of models and fashion editorials, but as far as the cover goes… well take Taylor Swift’s Vogue February 2012 cover – it’s a great cover! And it will sell way more than, say, with Anja Rubik in the very same pose.
Now, what fashpeople may ignore here is that this way, fashion actually spreads wider and wider. Because this Vogue (as was the case with past editions and, undoubtedly, future issues will follow the same pattern) is more likely to be acquisitioned by people who aren’t religious about fashion and style. But, through this marketing trick, they get flooded with fashion and style despite their initial impulse to buy the magazine because of the celebrity cover.
My thoughts. Now let’s see what’s inside (you can check out the gallery here):
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January 17th, 2012 by kpriss — Celebrities, Featured, Magazines
Before you look at it and judge, think that the most important trend for next year’s fashion is fashion aquatic. We’ve seen it everywhere on the catwalk, it was even in Victoria’s Secret 2011 show!
With that watery trend in mind, look at Charlize Theron’s Vogue US December 2011 cover and breathe – it gets better! The inside pictorial, as photographed by the amazing Annie Leibovitz is way more impressive than the cover. I don’t know about the swimming pose, but I guess there’s a perfectly fashionable explanation for it? (see it here; Charlize’s feature goes by the name of “Breaking Away”)
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November 14th, 2011 by kpriss — Celebrities, Featured, Magazines
Or should I say… the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’s Vogue November 2011? Because that’s what it’s all about. About Rooney Mara being the girl with the most wanted part of them all. Playing the character of Lisbeth Salander from the first adult franchise Millenium Series, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. (by franchise, don’t get all Star Wars on me, saying that SW was really adult – think un-like Twilight and Harry Potter. These are the references to keep in mind)
I wish I could tell you more about this movie, unfortunately, you know I’m not a spoiler girl, and if I’d let you in more about Stieg Larsson’s Millenium Series, you’ll know what to expect. So, if you’re not already familiar with the books and / or the Swedish movie, nothing will be different after reading this! (however, if you’re curious to know more, stick with me until the end) Let’s concentrate on Rooney Mara as photographed by Mert and Marcus for Vogue’s cover!
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October 17th, 2011 by kpriss — Featured, Magazines
Rihanna. Red haired Rihanna covering Vogue US? I was convinced it will be a major disappointment. It seems that today, however, it’s my mythbusting day. First the trendy minty nail polish, now this?
This, however, is major breakthrough for me – a celebrity on the cover of Vogue April 2011 is hardly newsflash. Photographed by Annie Leibovitz – it’s the secret ingredient that would make my cover digestion easier. Watch the video of her Living Out Loud feature and it will possibly change your mind too, like it did mine: I love this Vogue cover! I think I may love the entire Shape issue as it unfolds before my eyes with more and more magic in each page. I’m charmed and I’m Loving It Out Loud! How about you? (don’t miss the images right after the jump and the video!) (Vogue via)
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March 17th, 2011 by kpriss — Celebrities, Featured, Magazines, Unstyle
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