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Anja Rubik Swimsuit Vision: Vogue Spain Vs Vogue Paris

Anja Rubik seems to be a fixture in fashion magazines worldwide, especially when the swimsuit season arrives. There’s something about her in a swimsuit that inspires fashion editors beyond compare. She must look good with her tan on and little else, by summer style standards.

So there we are, talking about Anja and her Vogue features. She’s on the cover of Vogue Spain June 2013 and also gracing one of the main pictorials of Vogue Paris June/July 2013 issue. While in Emmanuelle Alt’s vision and Mario Sorrenti’s lenses, Anja looks like she always does (at least as far as Vogue Paris is concerned, Anja’s styling is pretty much the same in every pictorial be it for summer, winter or any other season’s issues), Vogue Spain tried to change perspectives a bit. And might have succeeded.

Anja Rubik Vogue Paris vs Vogue Spain swimsuit

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Sea, Sun, Sandy Model: Andreea Diaconu Vogue Paris June 2013

Did I already tell you that I’m a summer child? Of course I did. I keep bragging about it during the hot days and whining about it during the cold months. Now that it’s warm outside and I’m approaching my Bday, my mind only wanders on warm sandy beaches, carelessly ignoring the sunscreen and the prolonged sun exposure warnings. In my mind I set my own rules and walk endlessly on the hot sand of my imagination.

Emanuelle Alt can’t be just as free as I am in my mind. Or in my life for that matter. Her existence is controlled by advertisers and whatnots, constantly dictating her what to do, when or how to do it. What? you weren’t naively thinking that we, mere consumers, would really control Emmanuelle Alt’s decisions as editor chez Vogue Paris? Or Anna Wintour’s for that matter!

As such, I suggest we embrace and make the most of this already cliché June/July cover of Vogue Paris as photographed by Mario Sorrenti. Andreea Diaconu is a lovely young lady, from what I could see of her walking runway after runway, a professional model, well deserving the attention. Too bad everyone will compare her cover with last year’s Gisele’s. Which was also about a gorgeous model wrapped up in warm sand on a sunny beach somewhere…

beach ready Andreea Diaconu June July 2013 Vogue Paris


Hottest Woman Alive: Miley Cyrus According To Maxim!

You know, I think I’m getting the hang of it: World’s Most Beautiful Woman, Hottest Supermodel… In a day or so, I’ll make up my own ‘World’s something’ title! Why not? Who even keeps a track on all these fancy schmancy pompous labels? Like I said earlier: one day it’s pink, the next is black, this season is blue the next is yellow (don’t take it literally, it was just meant as a generic comparison).

Miley Cyrus. Who we don’t know for sure if is still engaged or not, but what we found out is even more surprising than putting her wedding on hold! Maxim magazine elected Miley Cyrus as this year’s Hottest Woman Alive. Not that I wouldn’t like Miley or the controversy she’s so carefully surrounding herself with! She’s quite the effervescent personality. But really? The Hottest Woman Alive? By Disney standards, I presume…

hottest woman alive Miley Cyrus

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Fashionably Retro: Kate Moss In Vogue UK June 2013

Vogue UK had enough of revolutionary breakthrough covers so they went back to the sure values for a great June 2013 cover and main pictorial. Kate Moss is doing everyone’s favorite retro Bardot-ish pose in front of Patrick Demarchelier’s cameras, languishing in a St Barts décor.

It’s all perfectly summery, posh and very fashionable. Flawless to the point of no more comments needed. Yes, it’s the same Kate Moss, yes, we know her inside and out. Yes, it’s the same epic kind of pictorial we’re all trying to escape from as being too cliché, too safe and too dull for our very avant-garde fashion tastes. But, seriously? Can you get more stylish than this?

Kate Moss Vogue UK June 2013 cover

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Milla Jovovich Hysterical Vogue Turkey May 2013

I’ll start by saying that I really like Milla Jovovich. Just to take any doubt out of your mind when reading these lines! But this cover is… umm odd? To put it lightly, elegantly! Milla looks like someone very expansive and jovial in her every day tasks and her curricular enterprises so far, but this is way too expansive. Way to jovial. Jovovich-ial.

Vogue Turkey’s May 2013 issue revolves around music and Milla is no stranger to that field as we all know it. More so, it seems that she has a new album ready to be released this month? Good for her! But really, that pose? Not such a good idea, fashion-wise! There’s no word about the photographer yet, but the cover line for Vogue story reads ‘Natural Disaster’. Quite appropriate, isn’t it? After the jump you can see two more previews from the pictorial, nothing to lift off the ‘disaster’ label from the cover! But do please argue in favor of this hysterical pictorial, I’m open to suggestion!

Milla Jovovich Vogue Turkey May 2013 cover

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Naomi Campbell Stunning In Vogue Brazil May 2013

Naomi Campbell may be famously throwing tantrums and mobile phones, but when it comes to putting on a show, the 42yo supermodel is nothing short of fabulous and surreal! Photographed for the May 2013 issue of Vogue Brazil, Naomi strikes some incredibly glamorous and as perfect as humanly possible poses for Tom Munro’s camera.

Her body is as flawless as ever, her star power is still shining high on the fashion sky and everyone is still in love with Naomi, just like in the old glory days! How about that blond hair? Actually, you know what? forget the hair! How about those endless, perfect legs? (hit the jump to see what I’m talking about!)

Naomi Campbell stunning Vogue Brazil May 2013 cover

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Cara Delevingne And Tom Hiddleston Couple Up In Vogue

Being such a cinematic issue, it’s not that surprising to see Cara Delevingne and Tom Hiddleston play a couple for Peter Lindbergh’s lenses in the May 2013 issue of Vogue US.

Not the chemistry they’re trying to convince us there is, as Cara always looks detached and over-precious and this is no exception, but a rather interesting pairing as Tom is known as a little mischief himself, pretty much like Miss Delevingne here. Take Two is the name of the pictorial, styled by Tonne Goodman and the two models/actors try to make us believe in a romance between takes that’s more interesting from individual perspectives and not as a twosome.

Cara Delevingne Tom Hiddleston coupled up in Vogue

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Freja Beha Erichsen Back In Vogue Paris May 2013

Call it my denial moment: I’m trying hard to concentrate on fashion news, shallow, and insipid fabric related bits in time and space. The big covers for the May 2013 issues have appeared, let’s talk about them, please, I’ve had enough of bloody pictures of senseless, brainless, pointless violence (my heart goes out to the Boston Marathon victims and their families)!

Did you notice that Freja Beha Erichsen was absent for the last catwalk season? Did you notice that she just freed herself from pictorial engagements for almost a year? Time is nothing but a written notion in fashion. Fabric-less, substance-less, meaningless.

However, beyond marking her comeback, this Vogue Paris May 2013 has nothing working in its favor. The pose is as strange as it gets, I can’t even tell which of her legs is up and the dress she’s wearing looks like a shredded bin of tissue paper glued randomly on granny’s black tulle dress. Of course it looks very eighties and ‘n’importe quoi’ but chic and couture? like the cover is saying? Not a chance! Overall – a cover mess. But then again, I may just be in a darker mood today…

Freja Beha Erichsen back in Vogue Paris May 2013