Wearing Leather Gloves Can Be Harmful For Our Skin

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Can you believe that? Recent studies show that the process of making a leather glove implies chemicals that are still present in high percentage in the end product. Which is potentially harming to our skin.

The substances registered by the German conducted study are chemicals like Chromium, Lead (both can cause allergic reactions), Aniline and Short-chain Chloroparaffins (both considered carcinogenic). You’d be surprised to find out that from a total of seventeen, only two pairs of gloves passed the test. And one of them was from H&M (the other from a German manufacturer, Bernd Vojtisek). Does this mean I won’t be wearing leather gloves any more? I don’t know. How about you?

red leather glove

1 comment so far

#1 DollyBird on 12.11.11 at 4:02 pm

You mean the H&M glove passed the test? Well I’ll be…
Actually its rare that I wear leather gloves & prefer my woollen ones so I can’t really say if I’ll stop wearing them.
However upon reflection the leather of the gloves doesn’t actually touch one’s skin does it? I mean there’s always an interior lining of silk or polyester. I guess at the end of the day its an evironmental issue too as the chemicals used end up in the drain that leads to the river and sea.

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